of, inherited from, or derived from ancestors:his ancestral home. n (Logic)logica relation that holds betweenxandyif there is a chain of instances of a given relation leading fromxtoy.Thus the ancestral ofparent ofisancestor of,sincexis the ancestor ofyif and only ifxis a parent of…a pa...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook ancestor worship (redirected fromAncestor veneration) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Ancestor veneration:ancestor worship,Ancestral worship an′cestor wor`ship n. (in certain societies) the veneration of ancestors whose spirits are frequently held to possess the power ...
Unlike using a knife and fork or one’s own hands, a pair of chopsticks also implies the meaning of “Harmony is what matters”. Chopsticks are highly praised by Westerners as a hallmark of ancient oriental civilization. 中国人使用筷子就餐的方式在世界上独树一帜。有史记载用筷的历史已有三千多...
This chance meeting with a flake of chalk took place on top of Scafell Pike, a place full of modern monuments and offerings, to the dead mainly, many of whose ashes lie around the summit cairn, and older structures that could be interpreted as monuments; the Neolithic Axe working sites. T...
These are the two great ideologies of the imperial age. 这是帝国时代的两大意识形态。 One is that all societies begin from a very rough base… We're all…our ancestors were hunter-gatherers at one stage, 一是所有的社会都是从一个非常粗略的基础开始的,我们的祖先在某个阶段都是狩猎采集者 and...
The grace of a virtuous monarch will nourish the grass and trees, and benefit the whole empire on many hands. 鸣凤在竹 白驹食场:凤凰在竹林中欢鸣,白马在草场上觅食,国泰民安,处处吉祥。 化被草木 赖及万方:贤君的教化覆盖大自然的一...
This Chinese phrase can be translated into English, and each part carries a distinct meaning related to personal development, the power of thought, and tolerance. Here’s a breakdown of the phrase and its interpretation: 命由己造 (Mìng yóu jǐ zào):“Destiny is created by oneself.” This...
doi:10.1016/S0048-721X(05)80019-3James L. CoxReligionCox, James L. 1995. `Ancestors, the Sacred and God: Reflections on the Meaning of the Sacred in Zimbabwean Death Rituals'. Religion 25 (4): 339-355.
Define Ancestral name. Ancestral name synonyms, Ancestral name pronunciation, Ancestral name translation, English dictionary definition of Ancestral name. n. See surname. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright
We need plenty of space for the children to play. place –put 1. 'place' and 'put' The verbs place and put are often used with the same meaning. Place is more formal than put, and is mainly used in writing. If you place something somewhere, you put it there. You often use place...