People born April 4, April 14 or April 24, ending in the fourth, the date of birth hides the angelic number 444. The meaning of this coincidence is very favorable. This combination of figures gives a person outer beauty, strong health, physical endurance, a living mind, developed intuition....
“Beloved Community, sometimes we discuss themes that are not always pleasant to come to terms with in the current terrain ofSpiritual Warfare. However, it is important that you always remember that gained knowledge is personal power. And your gained knowledge leads to greater awareness, and great...
Spiritually Speaking; The true meaning of ChristmasGlover, Patricia
My ponderings most often occur on paper. Sometimes I journal through the meaning of a passage; other times I might compose a prayer in response to what I’ve read. Writing slows and augments my thinking. As I record impressions and prayers, new discoveries have a chance to surface, truths...
There was a mouse for want of stairs, ‘Ran up a rope to say his prayers.” Father was not amused and reached for the rod. Isaac fell to his knees and begged: “Father, Father, pity take, And I will no more verses make[1]!” ...
from childhood, through adolescence, and through college days as a young adult. We never lost sight of the real meaning of Christmas. And no one, that I can remember, ever behaved like a Scrooge or a Grinch that stole the heartbeat of Christmas, which was always about the birth of ...
contemplating the Crucifix hanging over the sanctuary, I pondered about the meaning of “consecrating” oneself to Mary. “What does it mean to give myself totally to Mary? How does one consecrate all his goods, past and present, to the Mother? What does it really mean? What are the ri...
What I'm really meaning by "zealot" is not a Biblical reference or a reference to Christian zealots, per se. I'm just talking about zealots as being fanatics — people who are fanatical about a certain topic. They could be fanatical about building model railways or attend...
The deeper meaning behind your wish The meaning of a shooting star is that you have hope, but also that you feel out of control. Gazing at the sky, looking at that one star and wishing something, shows that you’re in need and because you don’t think you can get what you want you...
The Word KNOW in The King James Bible comes from the Hebrew Word Yada. It is mentioned almost 950 times in the Hebrew Bible. It has a wider meaning than our English word “know, ” it means, perceiving,understanding,learning, willing, performing, and experiencing. ...