People born April 4, April 14 or April 24, ending in the fourth, the date of birth hides the angelic number 444. The meaning of this coincidence is very favorable. This combination of figures gives a person outer beauty, strong health, physical endurance, a living mind, developed intuition....
I could callfaithmy most precious possession, for without it I would be hopelessly adrift in a sea of unmeaning. But faith is a communal possession. It is not distinctively mine. Faith isplural, shared and nourished within the collectivity of God’s friends. If I am to speak in the sing...
Bad Meaning Good Film 6 votes Bad Meaning Good is a 1987 British documentary film directed by Tim Westwood. The hip-hop or rap scene came to the UK from New York in the early 1980s. The media exploited the new craze and then dropped what has become, for a growing number of young bl...
Learn about snake symbolism and snake meaning, as well as the snake spirit animal, serpent mythology, snake dreams, tattoos, and more...
My ponderings most often occur on paper. Sometimes I journal through the meaning of a passage; other times I might compose a prayer in response to what I’ve read. Writing slows and augments my thinking. As I record impressions and prayers, new discoveries have a chance to surface, truths...
The meaning of love Love has many different meanings to different people. For a four-year-old, love is marrying her daddy when she grows up. For an elementary school kid, love is what he or she feels for his or her best friend, who also serves as a boyfriend or girlfriend. To a ...
can come out of the difficulty. –Peter Marshall He can wield hisREDEEMING POWERover any situation (Matthew 19:26). There is no situation so chaotic that God cannotfrom that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is...
“education” in the original meaning of the word to “lead forth”, to help the participants recognize the unique value of their experience and the gifts they bring to the world. As such, it is closer to the German concept ofbildungand its association with thebildungsroman– a narrative of...
(Origin ME: from Old France capitel, from late Latin) "capitellum" meaning "little head"! Source. Remember that the antichrist is called the "little horn" or the little column of the head! The origin of the term "capital punishment" is the actions of beheading and hanging. It's ...
The health value [Higyeia] must be worshiped but also to transform the meaning of worship into practices that favor the rehabilitation of human nature. Myths support rites, which aim for action corresponding to the myth and suggest a lifestyle to the sick. Thus, the rites were aimed at ...