identify the meaning identify the project identifying and train identifying character identisch identical identity and differen identity document typ identity of sender identity papers identity protection e identity reply identity seed identity statement ar identity-based securi identityprovider ideokinetic ideolo...
the sims superstar ex the simulation and in the simulation of ele the single proprietor the sioux indians the sisters keep comi the sistine ceiling f the site meaning the situation and pro the six draft reading the six form college the sixth the sixth day law the sixth extinction the sixth ...
is found. (Some writers wax eloquent about the meaning of the singular form of this word: "liberty." Irrelevant.) This issue is huge. It was huge in Paul's day, throughout the Roman Empire. Everybody in the 1st century -- Jews and Gentiles alike -- believed there was a nexus ...
1; OTh I, 40: 4–6.” According to Ockham, in the proper meaning of the term ‘reflective’, no act can be reflective. In the improper meaning, an act of the intellect, whose object is a straight act of the intellect, can be called reflective: “...illud dicitur proprie reflexum...
This information was obtained through a cross-sectional study design, meaning that the information was obtained from each participant at one time. To verify these propositions, we used partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) as the analytical approach for causative-predictive ...
When the meaning of a semantic value is imprecise, then the labels from the applied linguistic term set can be represented by fuzzy numbers. The scale of fuzzy numbers should be adopted considering a particular situational context of the decision-making problem and its subjective interpretation by ...
By default autopep8 only makes whitespace changes. Thus, by default, it does not fixE711andE712. (Changingx == Nonetox is Nonemay change the meaning of the program ifxhas its__eq__method overridden.) Nor does it correct deprecated codeW6. To enable these more aggressive fixes, use the...
This existing evidence shows well that situational factors or the presentation and processing of a stimulus with a particular meaning may make the related schemas or constructstemporarilyhighly accessible, thus increasing significantly the likelihood that subsequently encountered stimuli or events will be app...
The specific meaning of μ varies depending on the analysis. For given initial (i) and final (f) states, i → H → f, the signal strengths for individual production channels, μi, and decay modes, μf, are defined as μi = σi/(σi)SM and \({\mu }^{f}={ {...
textsorte ue s textual meaning textural accessibilit texture and pleasant texture completed texture element texture food texture rough pine texture smooth texture to geometry texture rock wall textured carpet textured rayon texturedcarpet texturing unit texturing yarn texturology textfile tezukayama naka tf...