《麦肯锡意识》的思维导图,链接:http://www.douban.com/photos/photo/1672535937/ 以下是生成的text版本: 1, McKINSEY.MIND 1.1, ANALYSE 1.1.1, define, MECE原则, 相互独立,完全穷尽, 系统化思维 (展开) 1 1 1回应 秋叶 2010-05-05 12:58:20 机械工...
the McKinsey Mind the McKinsey Mind主要分为三个板块,分别是: Analyzing(Framing\Designing\Gathering\Interpreting) +Presenting(Structure\Buy-in) +Managing(Team\Client\Self) Consultant帮助Client解决问题的主要行动。 Analyzing is about Problem solving: Problem-solving process begins with the use of structured...
Sharpen your problem-solving skills the McKinsey way, with our monthly crossword. Each puzzle is created with the McKinsey audience in mind, and includes a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) business theme for you to find. Answers that are directionall
or otherwise, without prior written permission of getAbstract Ltd (Switzerland).The McKinsey Mind Understanding and Implementing the Problem-Solving Tools and Management Techniques of the World’s Top Strategic Consulting Firm by Ethan M. Rasiel and Paul N. Friga © 2001 McGraw-Hill 218 pages ...
When you get to the local level, that’s when the channel becomes particularly important. If you’re a car dealer, for example, they’re targeting a small set of people who live nearby, that are thinking about buying car, that have a specific car and...
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Proceeding from its original aspiration and founding mission, the CPC, however, has continued to free its mind, seek truth from facts, move with the times, apply a realistic and pragmatic approach, and make theoretical innovations, thus maintaining its full vitality. Marxism does not exhaust ...
The McKinsey Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 道理都是对的,但大多已在工作中接触领教到了,所以读来比较平淡。而且合适的“度”在哪里还是要靠自己摸索,有些弯路不得不走。 评分☆☆☆ 拖了几个月,三部曲读完了。天天接触,故而没有特殊感觉了 评分☆☆☆ team内有共通的逻辑思维方式确...
Although fully automated vehicles (SAE level 5) are expected to acquire a major relevance for transportation dynamics by the next few years, the number of studies addressing their perceived benefits from the perspective of human factors remains substanti
But the quote in its entirety shows that Friedman had something very different in mind. If a government chooses to attack inflation in this way, he wrote, “it should be announced publicly in great detail….The more fully the public is informed, the more will its reactions facilitate the ...