Experimental psychology Speech perception and the McGurk effect---a cross cultural study using event -related potentials UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE WuJiaPrevious research has indicated the important role of visual information in the speech perception process. These studies have elucidated the areas of the ...
The experiments are based on the McGurk effect, in which a listener is presented with incongruent audiovisual speech signals. A typical example involves the auditory consonant/b/combined with a visually articulated/g/, often yielding a perception of/d/. We quantify the amount of integration ...
A team led by Gary Bargary has figured out a new way to test when a synesthetic experience occurs by relying on the McGurk Effect. In the McGurk effect, the word you "hear" someone saying changes depending on what you see. This movie gives a quick demonstration of the phenomenon: In th...
The NU study found that bilinguals are more likely to experience the McGurk effect than monolinguals, because their exposure to another language allows their brain to interpret auditory and visual modalities differently. “I ...
TheMcGurkeffectisrobust,i.e.ittendstooccurevenincaseswherethelistener knowswhatisgoingon,i.e.thatthesoundisthatofsomebodysaying[b"]:“[these effects]donothabituateovertime,despiteobjectiveknowledgeoftheillusion involved.Bymerelyclosingtheeyes,apreviouslyheard/d"/becomes/b"/onlyto revertto/d"/whentheey...
The reason being that one of the only multisensory phenomena that have been put forward, thus far, as an example of emergence is the phoneme perceived in the case of the McGurk effect (see Partan & Marler, 1999, p. 1273). What is perceived (e.g., “da”), is qualitatively ...
The McGurk effect is a perceptual phenomenon in which the combination ofdiscrepant visual and auditory speech stimuli (e.g. hear-ba/see-ga) produces reports ofhearing a completely novel response form (e.g. "da"). The present study attempted toexplain the McGurk effect and related phenomena in...
In the McGurk effect, presentation of incongruent auditory and visual speech evokes a fusion percept different than either component modality. We show that repeatedly experiencing the McGurk effect for 14 days induces a change in auditory-only speech per
Corrected Human Vision System and the McGurk Effect Ladislav Kunc and Pavel Slavík Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague kuncladi@fel.cvut.cz, slavik@fel.cvut.cz Abstract. The McGurk effect test is a method to ...
The McGurk effect is a compelling illusion in which humans auditorily perceive mismatched audiovisual speech as a completely different syllable. In this study evidences are provided that professional musicians are not subject to this illusion, possibly because of their finer auditory or attentional ...