The Maze Runner (Series #1) Author: James Dashner Narrated by: Mark Deakins Length: 10 hours and 50 minutes Unabridged Genre: Young adults, Thriller Download or CD available toBUYat Amazon. Audio book Summary: The story centers around a young man named Thomas as he finds himself trapped in ...
Thomas asks what is so bad about it if the Grievers only come out at night. Newt reminds him that they usually only come at night but it is not a given. The Maze changes every night. The stress is what is most frightening. There is always the possibility that a Runner will get lost...
The Maze Runner and The Death Cure have been nominated or awarded many American state children's literary awards. 音频地址: ... 258C%25E8%2580%2585 cover (2).jpg cover.jpg
The maze runnerDorothy 2015-02-19 19:32:32 高大冰冷的迷宫, 跑不到尽头的路, 穷追不舍的猛兽. 扑朔迷离中, 我们认为对的和错的都不正确, 只因为我们的思想被人左右. 他们是如此的残忍, 虚伪, 用权势操控着我们的命运. 愤怒, 悲伤, 哀悯, 绝望. 我们的诉求永远被无理忽视, 在他们眼中我们如蜱芥般...
The Maze Runner study guide contains a biography of James Dashner, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
The Maze Runner Series 作者: James Dashner 出版社: Delacorte Press出版年: 2014-7-8页数: 1390定价: CAD 43.96装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780385388894豆瓣评分 7.7 18人评价 5星 22.2% 4星 22.2% 3星 38.9% 2星 11.1% 1星 5.6% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...
It hit Thomas then that the Runners were out in the Maze during the day and hadn’t witnessed any of the recent events firsthand. Did this guy even know about the girl? Probably—surely someone had told him. “I’m Thomas—been here just a couple of days.” The Runner pushed ...
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The Maze Runner 2 - The Scorch Trials 星级: 288 页 James Dashner - The Maze Runner 星级: 164 页 Maze Runner, The - James Dashner 星级: 203 页 小课题方案 Microsoft Word 文档 (2) 星级: 5 页 Frightful Future Presented in Film 'The Maze Runner' 星级: 1 页 The Maze Runner -...