Shi G, Sheng YH, Ralescu DA (2017) The maximum flow problem of uncertain random network. J Ambient Intell Hum Comput. doi:10.1007/s12652-017-0495-3Shi G, Sheng Y, Ralescu DA (2017) The maximum flow problem of uncertain random network. J Ambient Intell Humaniz Comput 8(5):667-675...
The heightened turbulence of the past few years, including the pandemic and geopolitical fracturing at a time of sweeping technological change, gives the world a distinctly uncertain feel. Given all this change, we may well be transitioning to a new era with different economic and political dynamic...
In the field of WT system, algorithms are used to obtain the maximum energy extraction. These algorithms are known as the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms11. The latter is only used for variable-speed WT systems (VSWTSs) using a energy electronics transformer in full or partial ...
In the context of the conventional network flow theory, the maximum flow or capacity problem is very easy to state: If a network has capacities on link flows, how can we send as much flow as possible from a specified source node to another specified sink node without exceeding the capacity...
The study highlighted the difficulties faced, such as the problem of overfitting and the cognitive network’s limited complexity resulting from the utilization of a small number of parameters and a single hidden layer. Future research endeavors may include the incorporation of a more significant ...
Fauzi and Mizutani52 used a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to optimize the matching algorithm of NearTIF, but also use MLP to directly obtain tsunami inundation maps (i.e., maps of inland maximum tsunami flow depth). The MLP consists of five hidden layers and 128 nodes, to produce ...
Rate-based flow controllers for communication networks in the presence of uncertain time-varying multiple time-delays ☆ Rate-based flow controllers for communication networks in the presence of uncertain time-varying multiple time-delays - Iftar, Kang, et al. - 2002 () ... PF Quet,B Ataslar...
This paper considers a generalization of the precedence-constrained knapsack problem known as multi-period precedence-constrained knapsack, in which the decision maker faces a horizon of several periods. Associated with each period is a capacity limit that cannot be exceeded by items chosen in that ...
The automotive industry is facing a crucial time. The transformation from internal combustion engines to new electrical technologies requires enormous inve
Research into drug development targeting the CNS is complex and it is uncertain which approach will be successful. The systemic problems in the drug development industry are aggravated by the inaccessibility and sensitivity of brain tissue, while it remains the most suitable tissue to develop novel ...