- B2GM 20:48 弗斯塔德 Falstad Hinterlands - JUST GOLD THINGS - B2GM 18:50 墨菲斯托 Mephisto Consume Souls - ULTIMATE CDR WITH Q BUILD! - B2GM 25:02 缝合怪 Stitches Gorge - THIS IS A DRAGONBLADE FREE ZONE! - B2GM 13:59 萨穆罗 Samuro Bladestorm - WHEN EVEN THE SPLIT PUSH IS NOT...
And die they did, to a man. Every one of the Hammerhands found a warrior’s death, blade or hammer in hand, the blood of the foe spattered upon their once-spotless armour. Ionus Cryptborn, silent but for the furious blows of his hammer, was the last to fall. Their souls blazed hi...
马萨伊尔 Malthael Tormented Souls - THIS LOOKS LIKE A GREAT MALTH GAME! -Grandmaster 10:26 安娜Ana Eye of Horus - GETTING SOME SICK EYE OF HORUS VALUE! 22:47 祖尔金 Zuljin Tazdingo - THIS IS MY FAVORITE ANTIZARYA TECH! - Grandmaster 15:42 纳兹波 Nazeebo Gargantuan - NANOBOOSTED...
Sword of Souls Armoury n/a Standalone Cosmetics "This blessed blade has helped Sir Pendragon vanquish or free many lost souls. May it serve you well!"Tribute Peak Cutlass Armoury n/a n/a Tribute Peak "A stunning blade created by dipping an emerald shard into a crucible filled with ...
The Maw is a tumultuous, hopeless land where the vilest souls in the cosmos are imprisoned forever. Should the ancient evil chained here break free, all of reality will be consumed.
However, it is the corruption of souls -- the pollution of ideals and dreams -- that was its most subtle and deadliest weapon, for within every mortal breast lurks the heart of Chaos. It is perhaps fitting then that the greatest threat to the Empire came not from a Kurgan warlord, nor...
Also ranks #8 on The 16 Best PS5 Souls-Like Games (That Aren't FromSoft Titles) Also ranks #9 on The Best PlayStation 5 Games Released So Far Buy atView on AMAZON 27 Pony Island 2016 27 votes Pony Island is an innovative and meta puzzle game developed by Daniel Mullins Games, releas...
But, as respects the majority of my corps of veterans, there will be no wrong done, if I characterize them generally as a set of wearisome old souls, who had gathered nothing worth preservation from their varied experience of life. They seemed to have flung away all the golden grain of ...
In the end, Epidemius is appeased after Malekith offers him the souls of a thousand Druchii in recompense.(Needs Source) 666 IC - Wars of the Green Moon. Morrslieb's orbit is as close to the world as never before. Madness and strife erupt across the nations of the world, while the...
of the Guardian forming a subconscious association between the idea of "connection" and physical strings, and hypothesized that it might have instead appeared to the Neomuni as "cosmic water" had they discovered it first, as a result of their cultural beliefs regarding the "river of souls".[...