马太亨利研读版圣经,包含了和合本圣经以及马太亨利的中文注解,经文串珠内容,具有经文高亮,注解高亮,笔记等功能。 The Matthew Henry Study Bible contains the Union Version of the Bible and Matthew Henry's Chinese annotations, the content of the verses beaded, and has functions such as verse highlighting,...
Our rich online library includes well known and trusted commentaries including the popular Matthew Henry Commentary, CSB Study Bible, commentaries from Warren Wiersbe, and many more. Other Bible study resources include concordances included Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and Naves Topical Concordance, Bibl...
馬太.亨利(Matthew Henry)如此解釋這句話, 如果我們確實努力去得到神的國與神的義,猶如我們爭取生活中其他物品一樣... 那耶和華便會為我們提供一切祂認為我們所需要的東西,或超過我們所需要的 (Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible,Hendrickson Publishers, 1976 reprint, volume 5, p. 70, note...
Matthew Henry´s Bible Commentary Martin Luther´s Bible Commentary John Gill´s Exposition of the Bible Charles H. Spurgeon´s Treasury of David Bible Search Tips Use these tips to help improve your Bible search. • Using theAdvanced Bible Search, you can restrict yourBible searchto on...
Our rich online library includes well known and trusted commentaries including the popularMatthew Henry Commentary,CSB Study Bible, commentaries fromWarren Wiersbe, and many more. Other Bible study resources include concordances includedStrong's Exhaustive ConcordanceandNaves Topical Concordance, Bible dictiona...
Our rich online library includes well known and trusted commentaries including the popularMatthew Henry Commentary,CSB Study Bible, commentaries fromWarren Wiersbe, and many more. Other Bible study resources include concordances includedStrong's Exhaustive ConcordanceandNaves Topical Concordance, Bible dictiona...
The Bible Scholar iPhone App has the following books: Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, History of the Christian Church (Volumes 1 to 8), The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, Lewis Berkhof’s Introduction to the New Testament, People’s ...
Matthew Henry's Commentary 4 entries New Bible Commentary Plus 4 entries NIV Application Commentary Plus 3 entries Olive Tree Bible Overview Plus 1 entry Theology of Work Bible Commentary 3 entries Thru The Bible Plus 13 entries Zondervan Bible Commentary (One Volume) Plus 3 entries Zondervan Illus...
Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary, originally published in 1706, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the Bible. His commentaries are still in use to this day. Henry's commentaries are primarily exegetical, dealing with the scripture text as presented. Henry's prime ...
Online Bible Study and Bible Dictionary. If you can surf the web, you can use this Bible software. Includes the Speaking Bible and the SpeedBible Bible Software for download or Bible on CD ROM.