(redirected fromThe Thing Speaks for Itself) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial res ipsa loquitur (reɪs ˌɪpsɑː ˈlɒkwɪtə) (Law)lawthe thing or matter speaks for itself [Latin] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publish...
The Word Speaks for Itself: A Theology of ScriptureBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksJo Ann Davidson
So the issue is to build a testing strategy that speaks to our strengths of laser focusing a strategic approach to testing when we know what our volumes are — and they increase every day, but we have to be realistic about what the volumes will be a week, two weeks, three weeks from ...
With a good many of my positions Mrs. Besant appears to agree. Of course I think she understates in favour of her own sex the inequality which she admits to exist between the male and female intellect. But it is not worth while to discuss this matter now. By her willingness to give u...
He never damaged it, no matter how delicate the fabric, but it would be there as his personal remembrance of the presently departed. Whenever we couldn’t find a garment, the mental lightbulb would come on, and sure enough it was tucked into or under the blanket or doggie bed in the ...
"I received gifts of healing through a revelation," hand shall not be laid on him, for ('yap I the work itself will reveal if he speaks [the] truth. For the order of this chapter in relation to others, see the Introduction... PF Bradshaw,ME Johnson,LE Phillips,... 被引量: 37发...
The paper argued that Britain needed a new direction and Labour "speaks with more urgency than its rivals on social justice, standing up to predatory capitalism, on investment for growth, on reforming and strengthening the public realm, Britain's place in Europe and international development". [...
At once of its moment and resonant beyond its setting, Machado’s exposure of the hypocrisy of this society built on the backs of slaves, in which the desire for fame eclipses genuine advancement and learning, speaks to worlds he can never have known. At one point Brás Cubas even seems ...
The Ottoman Empire was at its height for about 150 years. It had at that point, however, reached the limits beyond which it could not easily project its power. One reason for this was that much of the Ottoman army, like Medaeval armies, was still a matter of temporary annual levies. ...
The terrible thing was their own acceptance of it, making it possible for a technical matter to influence their character, their courage, touch their very souls. To watch them in the offices, waiting patiently hour after hour, where there should have been no waiting necessary at all. To see...