Vote up the greatest, most memorable character in all the Matrix movies. Film buffs, we are ranking the greatest characters in The Wachowskis' The Matrix franchise. From The Matrix Trilogy, the best Matrix series characters are also known to be some of the best movie characters of all time...
The Matrix Summary The series depicts a dystopia in which Earth is dominated by sentient machines that were created early in the 21st century and rebelled against humanity. At one point, humans attempted to block out the machines' source of solar power by covering the sky in thick, stormy ...
Would The Matrix Movies Be as Impactful Had Will Smith Not Turned it Down? Could Will Smith have done justice to the lead role in The Matrix? He was the first pick to star as Neo, and it would have changed everything. ByNeeraj Chand ...
Whilst we discuss the four movies of the franchise, there’s also The Animatrix (a collection of nine animated short films) which can essentially be enjoyed in any order. We highly recommend you give them a watch as it supplies side stories, prequel, and sequel stories to the Matrix univers...
The Matrix Revolutions: Directed by Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski. With Mary Alice, Tanveer K. Atwal, Helmut Bakaitis, Kate Beahan. The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the machines as Neo fights to end the war at anoth
1.The Matrix(1999) Four films into the series, it’s easy to see now thatThe Matrixshould have remained a standalone work. Sure, the sequels expand the world of Zion that the first film barely touches, but the original is superior in every other way. This is a superb and fresh scie...
Now, in honor of the first film’s 25thanniversary this year andmy favorite theater’s screeningsof it, I’m looking back at key scenes from theMatrixseries. THE MATRIX: NEO’S REBIRTH The Matrixstillhas you. You’re in it right now, immersed in the simulated society otherwise known as...
It's hard to believe I saw this classic in the theater 19 years ago. It's even harder to believe people want the other Matrix films in 4K. Then I remember there was recently a Blu-ray release of Lee Van Cleef's The Master. I guess nothing should surprise me.Top...
How to Watch 'The Matrix' Movies in Chronological Order While the events in the main films follow along chronologically with the release dates, if you really want your Matrix re-watch to follow the events of the universe as they unfolded, you'll have to split up the shorts in The Animatri...
Cinematrix No. 303: January 23, 2025 The 2025 Oscar Nominations Real Housewives of New York City Finale Recap: Sisterhood of the Traveling Facts Most Viewed Stories All 28 Pixar Movies, Ranked There Is No Safe Word Cinematrix No. 303: January 23, 2025 The 2025 Oscar Nominations ...