I compute the following matrix: D = b'Ab, where A is a symmetric covariance matrix. D is high-dimensional and must be symmetric by definition. But when I apply a functiion "issymmetric" to D, Matlab returns 0 meaning that it is not symmetric. I guess the problem is the way Matlab h...
aIn some literature this definition is the half band width since, if the matrix is not symmetric, as many elements must to be stored to the left of the diagonal as to its right. In anysymmetric matrix [A] each element Aij= Aji. If a two-dimensional array is used in acomputer program...
symmetric matrix n (Mathematics)mathsa square matrix that is equal to its transpose, being symmetrical about its main diagonal. Askew symmetric matrixis equal to the negation of its transpose. Compareorthogonal matrix Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expressions for the symmetric solutions of matrix equations (I) AX + YA = C , (II) AXA T + BYB T = C , and (III) ( A T XA , B T XB ) = ( C, D ) are derived. In addition, the minimum-2-norm least-...
semicontinuous hotstr semicretinism semicustom integrated semidefinite matrix semidiametercorrectio semidiscrete formulat semienclosed slot semifinished furnitur semifixed sand-dune semifluidsemiliquid semifusain semigloss paper semigroups boundary v semihermetic accessib semilattices semiled semilog straight-li...
transportation matrix transportation office transportation planni transportation select transportation softwa transportation spacec transportation system transportation work transportation depart transportationstorage transportationandtraf transportationoptimiz transportationunits transportes aÃreos po transportflying transportin...
matrix.mtx.gz,https://figshare.com/s/1cd0dc51bcf6f1028cd2; SYNGAP1p.Q503Xorganoids, features.tsv.gz,https://figshare.com/s/c08cfabef967271dcfbb; SYNGAP1p.Q503Xorganoids, barcodes.tsv.gz,https://figshare.com/s/2b493cc0108d5f2cbc35; PatientCorrectedorganoids, matrix.mtx.gz,https...
The Arnoldi process also produces an(n+1)-by-nupper Hessenberg matrixH~nwith AQn=Qn+1H~n. For symmetric matrices, a symmetric tri-diagonal matrix is actually achieved, resulting in theminresmethod. Q n ∥rn∥=∥b−Axn∥=∥b−A(x0+Qnyn)∥=∥r0−AQnyn∥=∥βq1−AQnyn∥=∥β...
In the region on the left of the dot-double-dashed line in the left plot, the couplings violate at least one of the conditions for perturbative unitarity of the scattering matrix. In the right plot the unitarity conditions are not violated until M2≲−(500 GeV)2, but negative values ...
For this case, it is convenient to consider the matrix Green’s function $$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {G}=\left[ \begin{array}{ll} G_{n, n} &{} G_{n, m-n} \\ G_{m-n, n} &{} G_{m-n, m-n} \end{array}\right] . \end{aligned}$$ (20) In terms of matrix Green...