设计师编写 Matrix2 (其实这个创意是先知--Matrix 之母想出来的)的目的有两个,一个是让这些不安分的人有一个区别于大多数安分的人的不同的生存空间,他们是不稳定因素,这样就可以把这些不稳定因素从 Matrix 中剔除,保证 Matrix 的稳定;另一个就是 Matrix2 也是一个研究程序,用来研究这些不安分的人的行为,就像...
预告海报 美国2回应 1935x2878 角色海报 美国 2234x3300 角色海报 美国 1963x2943 角色海报 美国 1985x2871 角色海报 美国 1953x2911 角色海报 美国 550x776 角色海报 日本 1953x2900 角色海报 美国 536x800 角色海报3回应 550x776 角色海报 日本
The Matrix:Revolutions 預約看片 導演: 拉娜華卓斯基 莉莉華卓斯基 主演: 雨果威明 莫妮卡貝露琪 基努李維 凱莉安摩絲 勞倫斯費許朋 潔達蘋姬史密斯 年份:0 片長:124分鐘 分級:輔導級 , 未滿 12 歲不得觀賞 12 ~18 歲青少年需父母、師長或成年親友陪伴輔導觀賞 ...
The Matrix Reloaded: Directed by Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski. With Ray Anthony, Christine Anu, Andy Arness, Alima Ashton-Sheibu. Freedom fighters Neo, Trinity and Morpheus continue to lead the revolt against the Machine Army, unleashing their arsenal
This year marks the 25th anniversary of The Matrix, and Keanu Reeves got choked up thinking about the movie has affected his life and career. ByJonathan Fuge Jul 25, 2024 Gina Gershon's Still Haunted by Losing Her Role in The Matrix: 'I Still See Myself in That Part' ...
The Matrix: Revisited The Superman Movie: Extended Cut Priest (Unrated) [2011] Terminator Salvation (Director's Cut) Black Lightning The Creator Babylon A.D. (Extended Cut) Cloud Atlas from $7.99 Judge Dredd Reign of the Supermen Spider-Man 3 (Editor's Cut) 12 Monkeys THX 1138: The Geo...
The Shawshank Redemption: Directed by Frank Darabont. With Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, William Sadler. A banker convicted of uxoricide forms a friendship over a quarter century with a hardened convict, while maintaining his innocence and try
英文片名:The Matrix Resurrections湯瑪斯安德森(基努李維 飾)好像身在與現實相異的世界裡,並且失去記憶,分析師(尼爾派屈克哈里斯 飾)告訴他吃下藍色藥丸能改善狀況,接著湯瑪斯遇到蒂芙妮(凱莉安摩絲 飾)。蒂芙妮是一名人妻和母親,熱愛騎重機,但她從和湯瑪斯的對話中,開始覺得自己的人生似乎不太對勁。同時也有另外一...
版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明http://qfmeng.blogbus.com/logs/162658527.htmlThe Matrix (1999)这是一部我毕生难忘的电影。在2003年就看过,而且后来还收藏了《黑客帝国》三部曲的D9。谁知道数字技术日新月异,现在DVD已经成了淘汰品,如今重看都是重编码的720P,哎!这一次重...
The second half of the movie was much better than the first part.The bad stuff. I was not too impressed with this one. The movie looked off….as the cinematography looked so different than the other movies. The first half of the movie was pretty much a repeat of the first Matrix ...