高尔文(Robert E. Coleman)在《布道大计》(《The Master Plan of Evangelism》)一书中指出:“耶稣的策略清楚地启示我们: …zhidao.baidu.com|基于21个网页 2. 报道大计 4) “报道大计”(“The Master Plan of Evangelism”) 是由一个自由主义的﹑圣灵带领的神学者所写的。跟从他所提倡的方法是危险 …blog...
The Master Plan Of Evangelism, Second Edition, AbridgedRobert Coleman
The Master Plan of Evangelism [Paperback] 来自 christianbookstore.net 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者: R Coleman 摘要: The master plan of evangelism Robert E. Coleman ; foreword by Billy Graham ; introduction by Paul S. Rees ; study guide by Roy J. Fish F.H. Revell, c1993 30th anniversary...
Master Plan of Evangelism, The 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 借着这本书,作者帮助我们回顾了耶稣传道三年中栽培门徒的方法。我们常常不愿意按照主的榜样来栽培信徒,因为那需要花费很多的时间和心血,但这的确是主的方法。 要用主的方法栽培门徒,就要从现在开始,邀请愿意付代价的人来成为门徒,完全顺服于主,并借着...
-– -.The Master Plan of Evangelism, 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 1993. Conant, Jeff and Pam Fadem, eds.A Community Guide to Environmental Health. Berkley: Hesperian Foundation, 2008. Cook, Harold R.An Introduction to the Study of Christian Missions. Chicago: Moody Press, 195...
The homosexual professional, the self-defeating redneck and the two-faced nature of radio/TV evangelism all get a thorough walloping in this film. This film also serves as the epitome of Meyer's work with photography and cinematography. His virtually-patented "up through the bed springs" shots...
In every public speaker of note in the history of eloquence, there has been this unmistakable quality of salesmanship, evangelism, call it what you will. The effective speaker earnestly desires his listeners to feel what he feels, to agree with his point of view, to do what he thinks is ...
TheChristmasConspiracy.com The entire world must be Christianized. Christianity cannot be confined to the four walls of a church. "Evangelism" is not just bringing people to church or preparing them for death (or "rapture").These "political" websites are produced by a non-profit tax-exempt ...
COMMUNION,Paul’s term describing the nature of the Lord’s Supper is the term used by many church groups, referring to theirCELEBRATIONof Jesus’ final memorial supper with His disciples. Paul used the Greek term“Koinonia”to express the basic meaning of the Christian faith, a sharing in th...
The Master Plan of Evangelism Robert E. Coleman Practicing Protestants: Histories of Christian Life in America, 1630–1965 (Lived Religions) Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp "You Have Stept Out of Your Place": A History of Women and Religion in America ...