作为世界首富比尔盖茨推荐的第一本AI相关的书籍,《终极算法》(The Master Algorithm)被认为是最适合AI初学者及公司高管阅读的科普作品之一。 本书几乎没有数学公式和算法代码,将5大人工智能学派的起源、观点、恩怨情仇(例如对AI之父——马文·明斯基的批判)等娓娓道来。 作者简介 Pedro Domingos Pedro Domingos(佩德...
店铺: 常州新华书店图书专营店 出版社: 中信出版集团 ISBN:9787508668673 商品编码:1575200295 包装:精装 外文名称:The Master Algorithm 开本:32开 出版时间:2017-01-01 用纸:纯质纸 页数:402 正文语种:中文终极算法:机器学习和人工智能如何重塑世界 [The Master Algorithm] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt ...
购物网站用算法来为你推荐商品,点评网站用算法来帮你选择餐馆,GPS系统用算法来帮你选择zui佳路线,公司用算法来选择求职者…… 当机器最终学会如何学习时,将会发生什么? 不同于传统算法,现在悄然主导我们生活的是“能够学习的机器”,它们通过学习我们琐碎的数据,来执行任务;它们甚至在我...
In The Master Algorithm, Pedro Dom... (展开全部) 作者简介 ··· Pedro Domingos is a professor of computer science at the University of Washington. He is a winner of the SIGKDD Innovation Award, the highest honor in data science. A fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artifi...
Dynamic time warping algorithm review. Information and Computer Science Department University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, USA, 855, pp.1-23. http://seninp.github.io/assets/pubs/senin_dtw_litreview_2008.pdf Contributions welcome! This is by no means a complete list of all possible similarity ...
To create a multiserver maintenance plan, you must configure a multiserver environment with one master server, and one or more target servers. You must create and maintain the multiserver maintenance plans on the master server. You can view plans on target servers. Members of the db_ssisadmin...
Šmída 1901.04079.pdf (arxiv.org) and Denoising-autoencoder/Denoising Autoencoder MNIST.ipynb at master · RAMIRO-GM/Denoising-autoencoder · GitHub. We will illustrate a simple autoencoder that pulls the signals from the noise with reasonable accuracy. For fun, we use three different data ...
An implementation of Deep SHAP, a faster (but only approximate) algorithm to compute SHAP values for deep learning models that is based on connections between SHAP and the DeepLIFT algorithm. MNIST Digit classification with Keras- Using the MNIST handwriting recognition dataset, this notebook trains...
:small_orange_diamond: Brute XSS - master the art of Cross Site Scripting. :small_orange_diamond: Offensive Security Bookmarks - security bookmarks collection, all that things I need to pass OSCP. :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Pentest Cheat Sheets - collection of the cheat sheets useful for ...