But, as Jeff Foust reports, it is taking place in a changed political environment that could see the next administration lean heavily on that vehicle for the Moon and perhaps Mars.Monday, November 18, 2024 The Woomera Manual on military law in space The Woomera Manual is a document that ...
NASA and General Atomics test nuclear fuel for future moon and Mars missions By Julian Dossett published February 9, 2025 General Atomics and NASA achieved an important milestone on the road to using nuclear-powered rockets by testing a new fuel and finding it can withstand extreme conditions....
The quest for past Martian life hinges on locating surface formations linked to ancient habitability. While Mars' surface is considered to have become cryogenic ~3.7 Ga, stable subsurface aquifers persisted long after this transition. Their exte
I haven’t mentioned Embracer Group or their embarrassingly bad CEO who managed to wreck the company recently. I thinkQ2 was my last mention… because Lars from Mars continues to bumble along trying to hide his incompetence, another mediocre rich kid breaking things while being shielded from any...
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Datareportal have published their excellent analysis of adoption of different digital channels and technologies for 2024. Since it runs to more than 500 pages for the summary report we have summarized the most important findings in these compilations to help marketers with their budgets ...
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Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and has a distinct rusty red appearance and two unusual moons. The Red Planet is a cold, desert world within oursolar system. It has a very thin atmosphere, but the dusty, lifeless (as far as we know it) planet is far from dull. ...
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on Mars—more efficiently, like mushrooms to secrete bioplastics. The idea of space colonization and the role of the biological revolution is very far into the future, but it captures the imagination of this research. (Note: You can read more about this innovation on page...