This poignant and slow-burning drama tells the story of an unlikely romance between a Chinese immigrant woman and a low-level Korean gangster, who are brought together through a marriage of convenience. As they each confront personal struggles, their separate lives become intertwi...
I liked the unique spin on the story of the country suffering though a marriage ban and how it affects the people. Behind the ban is a mystery involving murder and a bid for power. It kept things very entertaining. The romance in the drama was great to watch. Now, thanks to the secon...
Marriage Contract (2016), High Society (2015), You Are Beautiful (2009), Ojakgyo Brothers (2011), My Only One (2019) Birthplace: Jung District, Daejeon Also ranks #20 on Kpop Idols Without Makeup Also ranks #45 on The Best K-pop Idol Actors & Actresses Also ranks #58 ...
The drama reminds me a bit of 100 Days My Prince - not just because of royalty effing around with dumb marriage laws. It's the way it balances humor with just lush romance. And it's got a SML who would have also matched well with the FL. I love the slick editing and humorous cut...
The flashback where halmoni casually tells us his wife was cheating on him ta make her the bad guy, or the haraboji casually saying that Da Hae is his one and only love, as if his first marriage was a joke... Hilarious stuff. I'm just sad In Ha's mom didn't run away ...
Watch: Lee Jong Won Can't Take His Eyes Off Kim Sejeong In New Drama “Brewing Love” Teaser Drama Preview Yesterday Jo Soo Min Transforms Into A Couple-Matching Civil Servant Who Celebrates The Single Life In New Rom-Com Celeb Yesterday ...
Soap operas such as “General Hospital” made the marriage between Luke and Laura a massive must-see event. You don’t have to look too far on the internet to see fans breathlessly shipping characters on procedurals like Stabler and Benson in “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.”...
Bae In Hyuk,Kdrama,Korean Actors,Korean Drama,Korean Films,Korean Movie,Korean TV series,Korean TV shows,Lee Se Young,The Story Of Park's Marriage Contract,Yoo Sun Ho Marriage of convenience is one of my favorite tropes and this Friday brings not 1 but 2 Korean dramas having a contract ...
Soap operas such as “General Hospital” made the marriage between Luke and Laura a massive must-see event. You don’t have to look too far on the internet to see fans breathlessly shipping characters on procedurals like Stabler and Benson in “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.”...
You say? He's in his middle age and this is his first marriage, where marrying was something he never intended to do. For reference, I wrote an end-of-the-year piece last year ( that ...