the market for lemons基本解释 柠檬市场;二手车市场 分词解释 market交易 lemons柠檬( lemon的名词复数 ) 猜你喜欢 black market黑市(交易) market research市场调研 stock market股票(或证券)市场 android market安卓市场 mobile market移动应用商场 market place##市场,集市场所,市面 play the market买卖证券[股票]...
Another reason worthy of examination is that the assets no longer being traded due to the market for lemons problem have apparently been functioning as inside money. Because inside money disappeared as the emergence of toxic assets created a lemon market problem, the economy as a whole ran short...
“柠檬 ”市场:质量的不确定性一起市场机制。sorry mam, its my first time to hear that the market for lemon.
Morning everyone 我是摆好姿势讲知识的Alice 今天我们来谈谈“柠檬市场”“The Market for Lemons” 柠檬用英语怎么说:lemon“The Market for Lemons” 在美国俚语中表示“次品”或“不中用的东西”, 所以柠檬市场也称次品市场,也称阿克洛夫模型 更多精彩内容关注微信公众号: ...
柠檬lemon契约经济学market经典 柠檬市场 the market for lemon(新制度经济学、契约理论经典文献),柠檬市场 the market for lemon(新制度经济学、契约理论经典文献),柠檬市场,mark,for,lemo,新制度,经济学,契约理论,经典文献 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ ...
Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism". It discusses information asymmetry, which occurs when the seller knows more about a product than the buyer. A lemonis an American slang term for a car that is found to be defective only after it has been bought. Akerlof, Michael ...
Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism". It discusses information asymmetry, which occurs when the seller knows more about a product than the buyer. A lemonis an American slang term for a car that is found to be defective only after it has been bought. Akerlof, Michael Spence, and Jos...
The individualsin this market buy a new automobilewithout whetherthe car they buy will be goodor a lemon. But they knowing doknowthat with probabilityq it is a goodcar and with probability (1-q) it is a lemon; by assumption,q is the proportionof good of and (1 - q) is the ...
The lemon problem refers to the issues regarding the value of an investment or product due to the asymmetric information available to the buyer and seller. The theory was described by George A. Akerlof, an economist, who presented his ideas in a research paper titled "The Market for "Lemons...
THE MARKET FOR "LEMONS":QUALITY UNCERTAINTY AND THEMARKET MECHANISM *GEORGE A. AKEELOFI. Introduction, 488. II. The model with automobiles as an example,489. III. Examples and applications, 492. IV. Counteracting institutions,499. V. Conclusion, . INTRODUCTIONThis paper relates quality and uncer...