In the statement, released on Wednesday morning, the country’s national media regulator, Roskomnadzor, said that it “demands all restrictions be lifted from the YouTube channels RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (DFP), run by the news outlet RT, as soon as possible.” According to the author...
【美国海军陆战队之歌(日语)】海兵隊賛歌_The Marines' Hymn(NEUTRINO東北きりたん切蒲英・イタコ) 02:25 【美国爱国歌(日语)】哥伦比亚,大洋之宝_コロンビア・大洋の宝Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean(NEUTRINO東北きりたん切蒲英) 05:14 【美国独立战争(日语)】いざ起て戦人よ_Song of the Soldier...
Land_of_Books_YouTube 1:04 Скачать музыкаоркестргерои The Star Spangled Banner Music_Unlimited 1:09 Скачать hymnanthempatriotic Показатьеще Жанр ОркестрСоздаватьСцены ...
You should view this impressive YouTube video to visually comprehend At the Lodge, you will see llamas and a horse grazing in the pasture in back. There are no locks on the doors to the Lodge or its rooms, but whether you stay in the Moose Room or the Wolf Room, you will be secure...
you may have noticed a very impressed reaction when you tell whoever asked that he/she is a United States Marine. Undoubtedly, this is due to the illustrious history of the Corps, the rigorous 13-week boot camp, and the expectation that the Marines are in optimal shape. But what is the...
You know, five months into the coronavirus epidemic, he's like, "What epidemic?" These are the Marines, you know, he's sleeping out with tarantulas at 29 Palms, you know? Doing his indoctrination for his indoct for the scout sniper platoon. It's like, no. It's like, no. "Masks?
Space Marines Tribute - The Resistance [Warhammer 40 000 Music Video/GMV/AMV] 2 人观看 4年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Bogatyrev Alexander 120个粉丝 Do not fail your Brothers. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Chapter. That is your charge.Song: The ...
FOX 9 YouTubeThe Trial Begins On Monday, April 1 The trial began on Monday, April 1 with the prosecution stating its case for murder and other charges related to the confrontation. The defense would counter Miu acted in self-defense, adding that he was "so fearful" for his safety that ...
hudbaorchestrhrdiny Victory march of Valor Land_of_Books_YouTube 1:04 Stáhnout hudbaorchestrhrdiny The Star Spangled Banner Music_Unlimited 1:09 Stáhnout hymnushymna Načíst další Žánr Pochodové Kapely Atmosféra EpicJasnýNeklidnýOkouzlujícíNapětíPovznášející...
If you ever wondered what it would be like to have a really bad acid trip with a group of professional dancers, then watch Climax. The vibes will be bad, but the dancing will be oh, so good. This French horror film comes from the demented mind of Gaspar Noé, the guy behind Irrevers...