The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Directed by Peter Jackson. With Alan Howard, Noel Appleby, Sean Astin, Sala Baker. A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-
【简介】the Ho..中土神话引入中国已有二十年,作为中土神话中最早面世的《霍比特人》,也恰巧是最早与中国读者见面的一部托氏作品。经不过不完全的统计,自1993年至今,the Hobbit已经在两岸三地出版了十一个版本,可
The Hobbit: Directed by Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.. With Orson Bean, Richard Boone, Hans Conried, John Huston. A homebody hobbit in Middle Earth gets talked into joining a quest with a group of dwarves to recover their treasure from a dragon.
The Second Phase - III - iv. Durin’s Dayone particular phase of the moon would only coincide with a specific night of the year roughly once per century.同一日期的月相一样,这一现象的出现周期取决于历法的置闰规则。对大部分历法而言是一般每十九年出现一次,这就是中国古历中的“章”,或者古希腊...
1915年,托尔金毕业于牛津大学,主攻盎格鲁撒克逊历史和语言;1925年,回牛津担任英国语言教授,时年33岁,是牛津有史以来最年轻的教授。同时,他也感叹于英伦三岛缺乏创世神话,因此展开一系列神话故事的创作。主要作品有:《霍比特人》(TheHobbit,1937)、《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings,1954)。
呃。。。关于THE..根据后文ELROND对MOON LETTERS的解读,有个词是WHEN,但我看地图上的原文翻译过来后是HWEN。。。难道是故意的,还是打反了?有没有人翻译过那张地图上的文字??
《牛津英语辞典》关于Hobbit的首条引用便是影片《The Hobbit》中著名的第一句台词“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit”。这个句子是托尔金一次心烦意乱之际,在一张考试卷上信手涂鸦出来的。Hobbit一词便成了托尔金最有名的新造词——如果它算是一个新造...
hobbit- an imaginary being similar to a person but smaller and with hairy feet; invented by J.R.R. Tolkien imaginary being,imaginary creature- a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or myths or fiction
The Hobbit 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 J.R.R. Tolkien (1892--1973), beloved throughout the world as the creator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, was a professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, a fellow of Pembroke College, and a fellow of Merton College until his retiremen...