Teena Maguire; Griffith University (Gold Coast): Frances Lin, Wendy Chaboyer; Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (Brisbane): Fiona Coyer, Stacey Watts; Princess Alexandra Hospital (Brisbane): Marion Mitchell, Madeleine Powell; The Prince Charles Hospital ...
St. Thomas' Hospital (3478) Camden Market (3157) Beckton DLR (654) Queen Mary University of London (1865) Old Street Station (3096) University of Greenwich (905) Chelsea Flower Show (2907) London Metropolitan University (1845) Fenchurch Street Station (2810) London Science Museum...
Manor Buildings, 61A London Rd, 黑丁顿, 牛津显示地图 这家公寓位于牛津黑丁顿,距离约翰拉德克利夫医院只有 3 分钟车程,且距离基督教会学院也只有 6 分钟车程。 此公寓距离布莱尼姆宫 10 英里(16.1 公里),距离牛津大学 2.3 英里(3.8 公里)。查看更多 ...
The Academy Condominiums will offer much needed and value-packed suites for those who wish to live close to the University and the other neighbourhood amenities such as grocery stores, big-box shopping, Morningside National Park and Rouge Valley Centenary Hospital. The Academy will also appeal ...
b. (at Cambridge University) Oxford University vb (mainly tr) 34. to put or set in a particular or appropriate place 35. to find or indicate the place of 36. to identify or classify by linking with an appropriate context: to place a face. 37. to regard or view as being: to pla...
"Needed to be in Southampton to be near wife in hospital. The hotel is run by a team that is very friendly without compromising their professionalism. The room (401) was comfortable but I must say that I noticed a..." Visit hotel website 2. Leonardo Royal Hotel Southampton Grand Harbour...
项目名称:天津市眼科医院视光中心滨海新区第二分中心 The Second Sub Center of Tianjin Eye Hospital Optometric Center in Binhai New Area 获奖者:诚益(广州)装饰工程有限公司 CHENGYI (GUANGZHOU) DECORATION ENGINEERING CO., LTD 室内设计-国际展销厅或旗舰店 Interior Design - International Showroom or Flagshi...
Oxford Alumni Weekend, Oxford Beer Festival, Oxford Open Doors, The Oxford Seminars in Cartography, Oxford University Heritage Network, Oxfordshire County Libraries and Archives, Oxfordshire Family History Society, Radley History Club, St Helen and St Katharine School – Abingdon, St Luke’s Hospital ...
"After a torrid 24 hours which involved an unexpected overnight stay in hospital for my husband and the heartbreak of England losing the final, we were delighted to have a night in The Nest. It's a beautifully..." 26. Holywell Guest House Show prices Enter dates to see prices Guest hou...