doi:10.1080/00377318709516624SusanaeF.HochM.S.W.InformaworldSmith College Studies in Social Work
「latent content」: the hidden meaning of dream 「manifest content」: the surface meaning of dream 分析师急于告诉做梦的人梦的隐藏内容可能妨碍推进自我理解 梦的意义不是梦的latent content,而是将梦嵌入到人的精神生活中实现的。梦的本质是梦的工作,是梦被整合的过程。 分析的任务是持续的,因为无意识的梦...
Manifest dream isSigmund Freud‘s expression for the dream as it is dreamed, remembered, and reported, prior to any analysis. The psychoanalytical view is that the true significance of the dream is disguised by the manifest dream content. The goal of psychoanalysis with respect to dreams is to...
Question: According to Freud, the true meaning of a dream is the dream's: a. latent content b. manifest content c. psychic content d. dynamic content Dreams in Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud's psychoanalytic theory focused on...
This study of the manifest dream content of premenarcheal and postmenarcheal girls identified themes which were strongly correlated with the developmental literature on adolescence.^ Two-week dream journals were collected from 60 predominantly Caucasian girls. The Adolescent Menarche Dream Scale (AMDS) ...
manifest (ˈmænɪˌfɛst) adj 1. easily noticed or perceived; obvious; plain 2. (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal of or relating to the ostensible elements of a dream: manifest content. Compare latent5 vb 3. (tr) to show plainly; reveal or display: to manifest great emotion. 4....
What do dreams of swimming, failing, or flying symbolize? First published by Sigmund Freud in 1899, The Interpretation of Dreams considers why we dream and what it means in the larger picture of our psychological lives. Delving into theories of manifest and latent dream content, the s... ...
And finally, the landscape, the earth, the material world had given them a canvas that would be large enough for their manifest destiny. 大卫·奥尔沃斯:他最后说了一段话。我就不逐字逐句地引述了,直接复述一下。他说,抵达新世界的人最后看到了与人类赞赏能力相称的奇异景象。他感慨,人类的想象力与...
the personal ego occurs in every dream to play the major part in each of them, even if it can successfully disguise itself in the manifest content. Thissacro egoismoof the dream is surely not unconnected with the sleep-inducing cessation of psychic activity which consists, it should be noted...
(i.e., the love of her life). But I would like to indulge your creativity to interpret the lyrics (reflected below) a bit differently, and think of them as the thoughts of those who are looking to YOU to lead a cause to meaningfully change things for the better . . . and then ...