Billy the Kid《比利小子(2022)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《比利小子》前情提要 Previously onBilly The Kid... 有个叫墨菲的家伙在林肯开了家大商行 This guy Murphy, he owns a big store in Lincoln. 他们开了家叫浩世的粮店 They got a company called T
Man #2 Lynching Crowd 1 episode, 2022 Trevor Campbell ... Bonita Officer #1 1 episode, 2022 Elizabeth Nystrom ... Prostitute #2 1 episode, 2022 Randall Bennett ... New York Tenant #3 1 episode, 2022 Chris Clearihue ... Silver City Big Mover 1 episode, 2022 Neri Villanu...
是一个叫比利小子的人 One man who goes by the name of Billy the Kid! 他是个经验丰富的杀手 杀人如麻 Hes a seasoned killer, just for the fun of it! 他只要活着 就会对大家构成威胁 And hes a danger to everyone as long as he remains alive. 因此 我们要做的就是 So, what we need to ...
比利小子(Billy the Kid,1859年11月23日——1881年7月14日),又名亨利·麦卡蒂(Henry McCarty)、亨利·安特里姆(Henry Antrim)和威廉·H·邦尼(William H. Bonney),美国罪犯、枪手,西部传奇人物。出生于纽约,因林肯郡战争而成名。他14岁成为孤儿,17岁就开始杀人,之后终其一生都是亡命之徒。据传他...
比利的亲属相继去世,刚从监狱里逃出来,比利一个人在亚利桑那州荒郊野外徘徊。 美国西部的风景很漂亮,但比利不想在山上游泳玩水。 走着走着,比利看到了火堆,意味着这里有人。 比利正要往前走,突然发现后面出现了一个人,举起枪走向自己。 这个男人一边打量着比利,一边询问比利的来历,比利爽快地告诉对方自己从监狱里...
In this version of the Billy the Kid legend, Billy, after shooting down land baron William Donovan's henchmen for killing Billy's boss, is hunted down and captured by his friend, Sheriff Pat Garrett. He escapes and is on his way to Mexico ...See more ...
Billy the Kid was one of the most notorious outlaws of the American West. Born William Bonney in New York City in 1859, Billy spent his childhood in Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico. At the age of 12, he is said to have committed his first murder when he stabbed a man who had ...
内容提示: 《比利小子》前情提要 Previously on Billy the Kid. 凭什么一群富人就有权决定 How come groups of rich men get to decide 什么是对 什么是错 what's right and what's wrong, Who lives and who dies? 这是对美国的背叛 That's a betrayal of America. 我们有消息说汤斯顿 We have ...
比利和凯瑟琳坐着马车前往圣达菲,赶车的男人名叫赫利,是个粗鄙的酒鬼。 晚上,一行人坐在火堆旁边休息,赫利喝了点酒,开始对凯瑟琳出言挑逗,凯瑟琳站起身想要离开,却被赫利一把拉住,借着酒劲,赫利将凯瑟琳推倒在地,欲行不轨。 比利拾起赫利放在地上的左轮手枪,制止了赫利,同时,为了保证接下来路上不会再出状况,比利...