"Heroes of World War II" The Men Who Cracked Enigma (TV Episode 2004) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code 纪录片 / 传记 / 历史 / 战争 Jack Copeland /W.J.R. Gardner /Pierre-Éric Mounier-Kuhn 2015-09-28芬兰上映 / 52分钟 看过 简介 二次大戰是人類史上規模最大的戰爭,卻因為一名無名英雄,得以提早結束。電腦發明的緣起,竟然也與他有關--當年因從事情報工作,必須隱...
Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician and forgotten hero of the 喜欢看“The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code”的人也喜欢: 圣诞狗狗救援 艾娃 羊毛战记第二季 听见你的心声 水浒笑传之林冲打鸭
More famous for cracking the wartime Enigma code and his contributions to mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence, it may come as a surprise that Turing harbored such an interest. In fact, it was an extension of his fascination with the workings of the mind and the underlying ...
He also acted to block theposthumous pardon for Alan Turing, the man who cracked the Enigma code to help win the Second World War. In 1952, Turing was charged with homosexual offences and was later chemically castrated. Advertisement Ad ...
The Man Who Cracked the Nazi Code的剧情简介 ··· 二次大戰是人類史上規模最大的戰爭,卻因為一名無名英雄,得以提早結束。電腦發明的緣起,竟然也與他有關--當年因從事情報工作,必須隱姓埋名的艾倫圖靈,因為好萊塢電影「模仿遊戲」而重新為世人認識;本片則深刻勾勒他如何和德國鬥智,破解德國引以為傲的密碼機...
Homecoming Hero; Going Back to Poland, the Man Who Cracked the Nazi Enigma CodeByline: Hannah RobertsDaily Mail (London)
The part of Turing’s life that the storytellers wanted to focus on, is the fact that he’s the man who cracked the Enigma which enabled the Allies to win the war. That becomes the topic for the global story and as such, is at the top of the hierarchy. Everything else in the ...
HOW BRITAIN DROVE ITS GREATEST GENIUS TO SUICIDE; Yesterday,Mr Brown Apologised to the Man Who Cracked Hitler's Enigma Code -- Only to Be Castrated and Hounded into Taking Poison for Being gay.The Cruellest Twist? His Genius Could Have Made Us the Most Technologically Advanced Nation on Earth...
Alan Turing led a team of mathematicians, cryptographers and codebreakers alongside his colleague Gordon Welchman to break the Enigma code during the second world war. At times when you are completely at the end of your wits, a tiny clue often appears, something so conspicuous that it ...