Simba (voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a cub and Matthew Broderick as an adult) is the son of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi and destined to be king and the main protagonist. His singing voices are Jason Weaver as a cub and Joseph Williams as an adult. Nala (voiced by Niketa Calame...
Leon originated as Squall Leonhart, the main protagonist in Final Fantasy VIII. He is studying to become a full-fledged member of the mercenary force known as SeeD, and specializes in the Gunblade, one of only two current cadets to do so. Ordinarily introverted to the point of seeming rude...
He is also Kovu and Nuka’s brother in law, as well as Baliyo's. Kion is also the grandson of Mufasa, Sarabi and Nala's Father, the grandnephew of Scar, and the distant relative of Askari. He is the main protagonist of both The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and follow-up ...
but the way it's told is too weak and bit cliché; some of the old characters are here and act the same, while others have new roles, especially Simba, who is given the role of a father to the main protagonist and being overprotective and also being the best character in the movie....
The main problem is Simba himself: a passive, incurious protagonist who has no defining desires or traits, makes little effort to figure out or decide anything for himself, learns no life lessons by experience and always passively accepts someone else’s interpretation of what he should do and...
Its protagonist, Robyn, is an apprentice hunter, who journeys with her father from England to help take out a pack of wolves. Long confined by the Puritanical society in which she’s been raised, the girl experiences true freedom for the first time only when she befriends Mebh, a girl ...
Which the protagonist is called The Lion King 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 正在翻译,请等待... 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 Main character of the Lion King 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 Lion King inside the main character was called ...
Mario is the main protagonist in his titular series of games. Mario is the star of the largest game franchise Nintendo has published. Many characters have fought alongside Mario in his adventures in platformers and RPGs, but many have also fought against him during those times. Mario has gone...
What do you do when you realize you that you have not only become an NPC – you have even been thrown back in time to before the game even launched! What will happen when our protagonist’s two realities coincide? Han Xiao was a professional power leveler before his transmigration. Using...
As with Rags to Riches, in a Riches to Rags story, there is just one movement. However, this movement is in the opposite direction, afallrather than a rise. In a Riches to Rags story, the protagonist begins the plot in a fairly high place, but slowly their life devolves until by th...