The main function of the flocculonodular lobe is related to maintaining equilibrium and controlling posture; the main function of the spinocerebellum is concerned with adjusting muscular tonicity; the posterior lobe functions in coordinating movements of the body’s skeletal muscles....
494K Learn what is the cerebrum. Learn about the cerebrum function and the cerebrum location. Understand the structure of the cerebrum. Related to this QuestionWhat is the function of the meninges of the brain? What are the functions of the cerebellum? What is the cerebrum? What is the fu...
The cerebellum, Latin for "little brain", is a plum-sized portion of the brain located below the cerebral hemispheres and behind the brain stem. It's main claim to fame is that it contains half the neurons of the brain despite being only 10% of its size. This is because its main ...
The large rounded structure of the brain occupying most of the cranial cavity, divided into two cerebral hemispheres that are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. It controls and integrates motor, sensory, and higher mental functions, such as thought, reason, emotion, and memory. ...
The functional properties of cerebellar stellate cells and the way they regulate molecular layer activity are still unclear. We have measured stellate cells electroresponsiveness and their activation by parallel fiber bursts. Stellate cells showed intrin
functions. Importantly, the pattern of cerebro-cerebellar connectivity is specific and distinct to different cerebellar subregions. Therefore, to understand the cerebellum and the various functions it involves, it is essential to identify and differentiate its subdivisions. However, most studies are still...
signaling and accumulative p53 activation inNbs1-del cells (Zhang et al., 2012), increased levels of phospho-p53 and -p21 were detectable at 6 dpo and 9 dpo, respectively (Figure 7D). Similarly, we previously showed that p53 overactivation impaired development of the cerebellum afterNbs1...
Functions of the Vestibule Controls our balance through the cerebellum and its own spinal tract Tracks movement through space using grid and place cells to give us our sense of direction (see drone IMU) It stabilizes our vision as we move by firing the eye muscles to keep the eye from sha...
The cerebellum is a brain structure involved in motor and cognitive functions. The development of the cerebellar cortex (the external part of the cerebellum) is under the control of numerous factors. Among these factors, neuropeptides including PACAP or somatostatin modulate the survival, migration ...