Magnification of the object or specimen by a compound microscope occurs in two phases. The first lens in this system (the one closest to the specimen)is the objective lens, and the second (the one closest to the eye) is the ocular lens, or eyepiece. The objective forms the initial image...
eye lens (redirected fromOcular lens) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Ocular lens:Eyepiece lens,Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens eye′ lens` n. the lens of an eyepiece closest to the eye. [1870–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Co...
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The objective lens of a microscope is responsible for its magnification. There are usually four different objectives on a light microscope, with four... Learn more about this topic: Compound Microscope | Definition, Parts & Functions from
The ocular lens is also known as the eyepiece of a microscope. It is the last lens to magnify a slide or image before it reaches the eye. However, a light microscope uses several different lenses to direct, use, and magnify illumination produced by the microscopes light source....
lens (lɛnz) n.,pl.lens•es. 1.a piece of transparent substance, usu. glass, having two opposite surfaces either both curved or one curved and one plane, used in optical devices for changing the convergence of light rays, as for magnification, or in correcting defects of vision. ...
tube you get a highly effective 24 mm objective lens. The quality glass used is Hi-Lume multi-coated to give sharp images throughout the magnification range. You can also be assured of good target imaging in low-light conditions which means hunting in thickish brush or at dawn/dusk is ...
With higher magnification, backing your eye away from the eyepiece along the eyepiece optical axis is a simple test: if you can still see the star through the exit pupil when you view from a foot or more away from and squarely above the ocular, then the star is well centered....
A lens system consisting of two systems combined so that the back focal point of the first (the objective) coincides with the front focal point of the second (the ocular) is called a telescope. Parallel entering rays leave the system as parallel rays. The magnification is equal to the ratio...
(Figure 2). Similarly, software has been developed to allow magnification of areas of interest in the visual scene, or even projection of a simulated object or face onto the array, in response to detection of the respective entity in the captured environment [43,44]. The intelligent retinal ...