Rubens, A.P.De Rebus
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Legal Wikipedia mag′istrate's court` n. 1.a court having jurisdiction over minor civil and criminal matters. 2.police court. [1865–70] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyri...
“Three months on the Island,” said the Magistrate in the Police Court the next morning. 苏比躺在麦迪逊广场的长椅上辗转不安。当雁群在夜空高声鸣叫,当缺少海豹皮大衣的女人渐渐对丈夫温存,当苏比在公园的长椅上辗转不安,你就会知道冬天就要到了。 一片枯叶飘落在苏比的膝盖上。那是严寒的名片。严寒对...
41、el: the magistratesmædstret courts(地方法庭)and county courts (治安法庭和郡法院) Highest level: The House of Lardsn Jury: A jury is made up of 12 citizens(陪审团由12名公民组成). Every citizen who should be open-minded and impartial to the court case at hand.(每个公民都应该对法...
magistrate (redirected fromMagistrates) Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia Related to Magistrates:Magistrates court mag·is·trate (măj′ĭ-strāt′, -strĭt) n. 1.A judge or justice of a local or inferior court; a justice of the peace.
当时忍无可忍,打了 911。警察同志过来后,我向他陈述了情况。他很无奈,说摊上这样的邻居,没辙,建议我去法院申请限制令 (restraining order)。就在今天上午,她再次借故霸凌,无奈我再次打了 911。警察来后做了笔录,建议我周一再去一趟 Magistrate Court。
Justice of the Peace(简称JP,通常被译为“太平绅士”)是一种拥有有限司法管辖权的基层法庭法官或地方法官(magistrate)。 这一职务有着悠久的历史,最早出现在12世纪的英格兰普通法中,而至今太平绅士(JP)仍在履行重要的法律职责。 01 太平绅士的职责 在美国,JP的具体职责在每个州都有所不同。大多数情况下,JP主要...
审查治安法官(The Examining Magistrate) 主审约瑟夫首次出庭的法官告诉约瑟夫,他对法院的傲慢谴责使他失去了被捕男子可以从听证会中获得的好处。 法院解说(The Court Usher) 法院的一名官员带约瑟夫参观了该场所,并解释说,法院只会进行它肯定会获胜的审判。
The financial management of Eni is subject to the control of the Court of Auditors (“Corte dei Conti”) in order to preserve the integrity of the public finances (pursuant to Art. 12 of Law 21 March 1958, no. 259). The control is exercised by a magistrate appointed by the President ...
A magistrate is also called a justice of the peace 3.?They deal with almost 97% of all criminal cases 4.?Six months is the maximum sentence given 5.?Magistrates are often not legally qualified Courts cont Magistrates’ Court The overwhelming majority of the public who come into contact with...