定价:USD 95.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780892541591 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon is one of several notebooks from the estate of Ebenezer Sibley, transcribed under the direction of Frederic Hockley...
062 How the magic of kindness helped me survive the Holocaust Werner Reich 11:02 063 A new type of medicine, custom made with tiny proteins Christopher Bahl 04:42 073 Imaginative sculptures that explore how we perceive reality Alicia Eggert 10:30 080 For the love of fangirls Yve Blake ...
《好胆别走》是黄志强执导,马克·沃尔伯格、卢·戴蒙德·菲利普斯主演的喜剧动作片,于1998年4月24日在美国上映。该片讲述了职业杀手马文·斯迈利因手头拮据,擅自行动绑架了富商的女儿,却因此捅下娄子,遭到昔日同伴追杀的故事。剧情简介 马文·斯迈利(马克·沃尔伯格饰)是个职业杀手,他技艺精湛收入不菲。照理说他...
偶然看到的译文;英文译者为F. C. Conybeare,中文译者不详; 在发到知乎前我对格式(排版)进行了调整,都花了很久... 很难想象当时英译中的译者所付出的时间和精力。 所罗门的遗嘱,The Testament of Solomon 1.…
内容提示: TheGreater Keyof SolomonIncluding A Clear And Precise Exposition Of KingSolomon’s Secret Procedure,Its Mysteries And Magic Rites,Original Plates, Seals, Charms And Talismans.Translated From Ancient ManuscriptsIn The British Museum, London.By S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers1999Emperor Norton ...
TheKeyofSolomonisthemostfamousandimportantofallGrimoires,or handbooksofMagic.AsA.E.Waitehasstated(BCM,pg.58)"Atthehead ofall,and,withincertainlimits,theinspirationandthesourceofall,stands theKeyofSolomon...Mr.Mathers'presentationoftheKeyofSolomon, whichisstillinprint,thoughtheworkofanuncriticalhand,must...
TheKey of Solomonis the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic. As A.E. Waite has stated (BCM, pg. 58) "At the head of all, and, within certain limits, the inspiration and the source of all, stands theKey of Solomon. ... Mr. Mathers' presentation of ...
... The Key of Solomon can scarcely be judged accurately in the light of its English version, for the translator, preternaturally regarding it as a highly honourable memorial of lawful magic, has excised as much as possible the Goëtic portions, on the ground that they are interpolations,...