Disney announced today that it was shuttering its Disney Movie Club, a Columbia House-like service that provided exclusive titles on Blu-ray and DVD and heavily discounted catalog titles.“We’ve enjoyed serving you for the last 23 years, but consumer behavior and viewing preferences continue to...
Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
Commander Shaabala, The Ancient Seaclops, Hans Christian Andersen, Scales, Sandy, Catfish Club (Shelbow, Ray-Ray, Cheeks & Ink Spot), Melody, Alex, Glut the Shark, Morgana, Marina Del Rey, Tip & Dash, Guppies, Undertow, Cloak & Dagger, Benjamin, Swifty, Sea Animals and others - The...
Carter and Briggs HD DVD Blu-ray Rex Salazar Bobo Haha Noah Nixon Agent Six Rebecca Holiday White Knight Circe Tuck Skwydd Cricket Caesar Salazar Grim Reaper Billy Mandy Admiral Wolverine Lightning-Bolt Samurai Jack Ashi The Scotsman Mac Bloo Wilt Edurado Coco Frankie Foster Goo Numbuh 1 Numbuh...
This voice-over premiered on DVD and Blu-Ray in Russia on July 16, 2018, and is also available on IVI. Before its premiere on video, it was available on Qatar Airways' in-flight entertainment (sometime in Spring 2018) Checkered Ninja 2 Rossiya in-flight entertainment Voice-over. The...
Fire Mario is a power-up Mario takes when he uses a Fire Flower. It is a frequently recurring form throughout the Super Mario franchise, introduced in Super Mario Bros. Fire Mario assumes the proportions of the Super Mario form; in fact in the debut...
and scale of it, it's the instrument that is 175 years old now," Anderson tells GRAMMY.com, noting that Theobald Boehm perfected the Western concert flute a century before his birth. "I'm a fan of those 'forever' kind of aspects of music-making. They just go on and...
Goombas, initially called Little Goombas, are one of the major species of the Super Mario franchise. Since their first game appearance in Super Mario Bros., they have become the most iconic and common enemies in the entire Super Mario franchise...
and Piranha Plant Field, have Super Stars bouncing around on their own for the player to collect. The course Lakitu's Revenge has frequent Super Stars, such that the player can be invincible for most of the course. There is a Super Star Statue item in the Kingdom Builder mode, The ...
Fire Flowers, also known as Flame Flowers, are power-ups introduced in Super Mario Bros. They change the player character into their Fire form, allowing them to throw fireballs, which defeat enemies, melt Ice Blocks, and light up dark areas. The...