The Three Kings mentioned in the gospel of Matthew who traveled to the Holy Land from the East to worship the Child Jesus as "King of the Jews" will be remembered today, the Feast of the Epiphany.Manila Bulletin
这里有一份不错的资源 点击[达·芬奇(传) 《崇拜圣婴》 Adoration of the Christ Child]即可获取~ 你觉得这个资源能帮到你不,要是还有其他资源需求,尽管告诉我哦~
1I was like the Christ child,lifted out of the straw manger,crying with holy indignity这是现代大学英语5第二课的一句,很多参考翻译译成:我就像降生在马槽里的圣婴,带着神圣的轻蔑的哭声 lifted out of为什么会是降生在马槽里呢?我觉得是:当圣婴从马槽里提出的时候 他开始哭,lift 貌似没有出生的意思吧?
提香·韦切利奥(Titian)高清作品《Madonna in Glory with the Christ Child and Sts Francis and A》 作品名:Madonna in Glory with the Christ Child and Sts Francis and A 艺术家:提香·韦切利奥 年代:1520 风格:盛期文艺复兴 类型:宗教绘画 材质:布面油彩 标签:基督教、圣徒、使徒、童贞子、阿西西圣徒弗兰...
圣约瑟夫和沉睡的基督之子(Saint Joseph and the Sleeping Christ Child ) 简介圣约瑟夫和沉睡的基督之子(Saint Joseph and the Sleeping Christ Child ) 巴托洛梅·埃斯特巴·穆立罗(Bartolome Esteban Murillo) 简介巴托洛梅·埃斯特巴·穆立罗(Bartolome Esteban Murillo) 西班牙画家 巴洛克艺术:牟里罗 Bartolome ...
But tonight, it’s all about to end. A few savvy churches may observe the playful but largely forgotten Twelfth Night revels tonight, and tomorrow we will make some fuss about the arrival of the Magi to worship the holy Child, but then our retreat into festive space/time will be over an...
作为好牧人的基督儿童(The Christ Child as the Good Shepherd ) 简介作为好牧人的基督儿童(The Christ Child as the Good Shepherd ) 巴托洛梅·埃斯特巴·穆立罗(Bartolome Esteban Murillo) 简介巴托洛梅·埃斯特巴·穆立罗(Bartolome Esteban Murillo) 西班牙画家 巴洛克艺术:牟里罗 Bartolome Esteban Murillo 1617 ...
Our mortality is touched upon in verse 3 (“In flesh he dies”) and verse 4 (“after he is dead”), but verse 5 stops to face our fate directly. As both physical and spiritual creatures, we alone fear “two deaths”—the death of the body and the death of the soul. As dwellers...
Mignarda - The Christ Child Lullaby 专辑: Duo Seraphim: Lute Songs & Solos for Advent & Christmastide 歌手:Mignarda还没有歌词哦Mignarda - The Christ Child Lullaby / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 The Christ Child Lullaby Mignarda 02:25...
At first, Kennedy prayed alone, but over time he was joined by most of his players, as well as members of the visiting team. At some point he began to add religiously flavored “motivational” speeches to this postgame ritual and, it seems, his prayers were no longer entirely silent. It...