(played on screen byDaniel Day-Lewisin an Oscar-winning performance) and three of his political opponents–turned–cabinet members. Most ofLincoln's running time dramatizes only a few pages of the tome, homing in on the president's shady maneuvers to pass the 13th Constitutional Amendment, ...
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War《转折点:原子弹与冷战(2024)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(乌克兰) (莫斯科 2022年2月24日) 俄hearts;罗hearts;斯hearts;总统表示 乌克兰东部 The Russian president says a military operation 现在正酝酿着一
Itshappenedtome. 这一切答案就在我们身上 Wearetheanswertoallthis. 我们站在历史正义一边 Wereontherightsideofhistorywiththis 我们只需要指出明路大家会看到的 Ifwejustshowthemtheway,theyllseeit. 特拉维斯说得对 Travisisright. 你说得对 Youreright. 话虽如此纽约还是块难喘的骨头 Still,NewYorksfuckinghard...