lymphatic capillaries The Lymphatic System 淋巴系统 Lymphatic vessel Have valves that give them a beaded appearance Two sets: superficial (lie in the superficial fascia ) and deep (run with blood vessels and nerves) Passes through at least one lymph node and often several The Lymphatic System ...
THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM consists (1) of complex capillary networks which collect the lymph in the various organs and tissues; (2) of an elaborate system of collecting vessels which conduct the lymph from the capillaries to the large veins of the neck at the juncti...
1、淋巴系统淋巴系统 the lymphatic system 概论 the general descriptin 1、组成:淋巴管道、淋巴组织、淋巴器官 2、功能: (1)心血管系统的辅助系统,协助静脉引 流组织液 (2)淋巴组织产生淋巴细胞 (3)过滤淋巴液 (4)进行免疫应答 淋巴管道淋巴管道The lymph conducting vessels 1、毛细淋巴管:上皮、角膜、晶状体...
系统标签: lymphatic 淋巴 淋巴结 lymph 淋巴管 sdu DeptofAnatomySDU Introductionoflymphology 山东大学医学院人体解剖教研室 2004.2 DeptofAnatomySDU TheLymphaticSystem A Cap V Lymphatic-CapillaryLymphatic Lymphatic trunks Lymphaticducts Lymphnodes DeptofAnatomySDU •Aassistantsystem tothevein DeptofAnatomySDU ...
This chapter focuses on the lymphatic system, which is composed of lymphatic vessels, lymphoid tissues and organs, lymph, and lymphocytes. Lymphatic vessels function to transport lymph away from microvascular beds and into the cardiovascular system. The first vessel within the lymphatic system is the...
THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 淋巴系统由各级淋巴管道、淋巴器官和淋巴组织构成。淋巴系统内流动着无色透明的淋巴。 The lymphatic system is composed of lymphatic vessels, organs and tissues at all levels. Colorless and transparent lymph flows in the lymphatic system...
The Lymphatic System TheLymphaticSystem Heart Artery Vein Lymphaticduct LymphatictrunkCapillariesLymphaticnodeCellTissuefluidLymphaticcapillaryLymphaticvessel Thelymphaticsystem ⅠIntroductionlymphaticcapillarieslymphaticvesselslymphatictrunkslymphaticductslymphoidtissuesdiffusedlymphoidtissueslymphnoduleslymphnodestonsilsthymusspleen ...
lymphatic system A network of vessels that return lymph from body tissues to blood and filter out harmful particles on the way. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited Translations ...
The lymphatic system is a one-way system because it functions to return excess tissue fluid to the circulation (Applegate, 2000, 287). It only flows in one direction. The blood vascular system is a two-way system because it brings oxygen and nutrients to the tissues via the arteries, and...