Produced in Canada, The Starlost chronicles an ambitious journey to save humanity on a massive malfunctioning spacecraft. Though short-lived, the show's thought-provoking storylines and intriguing premise have helped it maintain a devoted cult following over the years. Actors: Keir Dullea, Robin Wa...
A lunar eclipse sends a married woman back in time, giving her a chance to reevaluate her choices. Premiered: October 28, 2022 Also ranks #64 on The 100+ Best Romance Shows On Netflix, Ranked Also ranks #102 on The 150+ Best TV Shows About Romance, Ranked Also ranks #358 on The ...
If you're like me, you've been dying to see your favorite fairy tale characters battling it out on the big screen since Marissa Meyer's The Lunar Chronicles series first hit shelves with Cinder. The series has everything: action, space travel,…
But even if you don’t care about sports, you should still watch “Ted Lasso” on Apple TV+. It’s a very funny show that’s also full of empathy and respect for its characters, which never goes for the cheap joke, and takes the tropes of every sports movie you’ve seen and uses...
Review–Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa MeyerScarlet
the Lion Dance section and how all of the ways it fit into the book, the Ambassador role he has and what he speaks about, what books he recommends to people, his early cartoonist friends in San Francisco, Superman Smashes The Klan, American Born Chinese being turned into a TV show and...
Cinder, the star of the Lunar Chronicles, is getting married! She and Emperor Kai have made it to their big day – now all Cinder has to do is show up and say “I do.” But it’s not so easy when there are twists and turns and obstacles along the way, and you, the reader, ...
This is the second book in "The Lunar Chronicles" series by Marissa Meyer. This is not the fairytale you remember. But it's one you won't forget. Scarlet Benoit's grandmother is missing. The police have closed her case. The only person Scarlet can turn to is Wolf, a street fighter ...
Orquestra Lunar, the 10-member all-woman band which has been gaining popularity with its quality version of samba, choro and ballads, is playing at Sala Baden Powell. Casuarina,a group of five young musicians who play traditional samba tunes in an informal “roda” (circle) will be performin...
In this third book in the bestselling Lunar Chronicles series, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they're plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and prevent her army from invading Earth. ...