#58: Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer Book Summary: Part fairy tale, part dystopian fiction, Cinder follows the story of a young cyborg – treated as a second-class citizen in New Beijing (a city where humans and cyborgs live). Soon, Cinder connects with Prince Kai wh...
Add to Goodreads The Lunar Chronicles meets Rook in this queer #OwnVoices science-fantasy novel, perfect for fans of Marissa Meyer and Sharon Cameron. A secret beats inside Anna Thatcher's chest: an illegal clockwork heart. Anna works cog by cog -- donning the moniker Technician -- ...
Goodreads●Amazon●Chapters●The Book Depository Les MisérablesmeetsThe Lunar Chroniclesin the out-of-this-world sequel toSky Without Starsthat’s an “explosion of emotion, intrigue, romance, and revolution” (Stephanie Garber, #1New York Timesbestselling author of theCaravalseries). ...
The world of the Lunar Chronicles has its ups and downs, but by the end, I’d totally visit. Neverland by J.M. Barrie is a place I’ve read enough about that I would do okay on a short visit but will not be taking up residence. I’ve thought it would be cool to hang out wi...
Winter by Marissa Meyer: Honestly, Winter could have been even longer, I wasn’t anywhere near ready to let go of The Lunar Chronicles. (827 Pages) What are your longest reads? Image [TBR List] Ten Books By My Favorite Authors September 24, 2018Julia 3 Comments This week on Top Ten...
Book One in theLunar Chronicles Rating: Five out of Five Stars Why oh why ooooh whyyyy did I not read this sooner?!?! I am slightly angry at myself for not reading this sooner. I was terrified that this book would never ever ever live up to the hype and so bought it and then she...
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)★★★☆☆Reread I had so much fun reading historical romances this month despite the rollercoaster of ratings. I’m slowly working my way though the Bridgertons series…it’s wild and weird and not at all my favorite historical romance series, but I can’...
Website|Twitter|Goodreads|Amazon|Barnes & Noble|The Book Depository|Indigo|Library In her first graphic novel, #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller Marissa Meyer follows Iko, the beloved android from the Lunar Chronicles, on a dangerous and romantic new adventure—with a little help from ...
Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles, because it would be awesome to live on the moon, have super powers, hang out with Iko, wear crazy dresses, and of course, kiss Kai. I think one moon day (which is much longer than an earth day) would be enough for me. What would you do ...
Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3562237-eva Website/blog:https://roslineva.wordpress.com/ Three Questions GMM: Welcome toGirl Meets Monster, Eva. This will be the final Fiction Fragments post before I take a brief hiatus. So, let’s jump right in and start with some serious...