All this takes place in an enchanted forest, a wild, liminal state outside the civilized order, where societal assumptions and rules are suspended or reversed, hierarchies are overturned, and identities become fluid and changeable. As Bottom says to Titania, “reason and love keep little company...
Sam must fight to remain human to be with Grace as winter approaches. Why You Should Read: It is one of the best paranormal werewolf love stories available! As someone who doesn’t love werewolves (they can be too alpha for me), I highly enjoyed this series and even liked the romance....
students, scholars, and alumni(校友).36. Friends are united by a shared love for the arts and for the university, and by a desire to be part of a cultural community. Friends are interested and active in the life of the Art Museum. Friends are art lovers-just like you. ...
We all know these things can only end in one of two ways: with a wistful farewell and a heart-breaking return to normal life; or with the last-minute scene in which the two lovers decide to rescue their love at the cost of all the resulting disruption to their normal lives. Either ...
I really enjoyed this (as I always enjoy Milne) and loved that it was of a more serious bent than some of his other plays of the era. I love a good comedy of errors about bigamy but a change is nice. Read Full Post » Lovers in London – A.A. Milne Posted in A Century of ...
A site dedicated to 'The Haunting', a 1963 masterpiece by Robert WISE, widely regarded as the ghost movies genre's jewel. Welcome home, Eleanor!
...were all about love and lovers, damsels in distress swooning in lonely lodges, postillions slaughtered all along the road, horses ridden to death on every page, gloomy forests, troubles of the heart, vows, sobs, tears, kisses, rowing-boats in the moonlight, nightingales in the grove,...
Trend Recap: Coffee (and tea) lovers, stand up! This audio adds a perfect layer for Reels that show off your favorite cafes, drinks, or pastries. Audio: Original audio — theriyakohli Current # of Posts: 4.1K Trend: Show Me How — February 2, 2024 Trend Recap: This remixed versi...
films. The tale of a renowned French gourmet chef and his diligent head cook, the movie's central will-they-won't-they dynamic will have you leaning forward in anticipation — just as much as the exquisite dishes cooked by the leading duo will leave your palate moist and your belly ...
How to watch: One Day is now streaming on Netflix. 34. Baby Reindeer Adapted from his one-man play of the same name, Richard Gadd's Baby Reindeer is one of most complex, bruising, and captivating watches of 2024. Gadd is Donny Dunn, a bartender and floundering comedian who feels compe...