In this heartwarming tale of unrequited love and friendship, a high school outcast falls for the most popular girl, only to overlook his true feelings for his tomboy best friend. With relatable characters, genuine laughter, and touching moments, this film captures the emotional rollercoaste...
This has to be one of the dullest names I've ever heard. Really boring and plain. I find absolutely nothing interesting about this name. It sounds very immature and informal, but, at the same time, I can't imagine it on a young girl....
Sometime later, the group returns to the Owl House with Raine, whereupon they are reunited with the Collector, Lilith, Amity, and Camila, with Luz happily embracing and sharing a passionate kiss with her beloved girlfriend, before joyfully hugging her mother in celebration. Luz then watches as...
Is New Girl Watchworthy? An adorkable teacher moves in with three single guys after a bad breakup, resulting in a series of laugh-out-loud moments and heartwarming friendships. The charming ensemble cast faces the highs and lows of modern dating, making this a relatable and binge-worthy rom...
I believe that good sex scenes should arise naturally out of the story and the personalities of the characters involved. I like to write about lads who have a high sex drive, so it follows the sex (or at least sexual situations) will be pretty frequent and ‘hot’. I am currently exper...
Romance in the Househad a pretty enjoyable start, and my only major complaint is that Ji Jin-hee showed up 57 minutes into the show. That’s 57 minutes too late! But I guess better late than never, especially since the quality of the show went up after his appearance. Okay, there’s...
Only characters from TV and Movies, please. In television and film, certain characters emerge as the most annoying characters that draw universal ire. From grating voices to maddening personalities, these are the figures audiences love to hate. The exciting aspect of these characters lies in...
Brawl indicate that their relationship is intended to be unclear; Wario merely calls Waluigi his "sneaky pal" when the two were briefly in opposition in Mario Super Sluggers, and Charles Martinet, who voices both characters, has stated his belief that they are simply "two evil guys who ...
Refinery 29'sSesali Bowenobserved that the trio "unintentionally introduced the idea of feminism and women's empowerment" with the girls' strength, bravery, and unique personalities. Each Powerpuff girl is special in her own way, but what makes Bubbles great is how she overcomes her sweet, demu...
Post Script: My song “House of Cards” explores the worry of not knowing how life will play out. “Depression Era Girl” is a song about my mother; writing it helped me to organize the sorts of idiosyncrasies I mention in the post. Before too long I will have an EP on all the pla...