One day, Popeye set out on a boat with nothing but a bent pin and a spool of thread in hopes of helping his guardian by catching whales for him. Unfortunately, upon reaching the whale pod, Popeye realized he was grievously ill-prepared against the giant sea beasts who thrashed about his...
Yoshi is a dinosaur-like character that acts as an ally of Mario and Luigi and is the protagonist of his own franchise. Among members of the Yoshi species hailing from Yoshi's Island, any Yoshi may be identified as the "Yoshi" character, and as...
I really enjoyed this (as I always enjoy Milne) and loved that it was of a more serious bent than some of his other plays of the era. I love a good comedy of errors about bigamy but a change is nice. Read Full Post » Lovers in London – A.A. Milne Posted in A Century of ...
But queer coding is all over this '80s film — so much so that Hauer doesn't exactly make John's advances on Jim subtle — and the film could easily be viewed as a horror thriller about a gay man hell-bent on unleashing his rage on heteronormative society, and perhaps seeking a ...
Josie’s not caught up in the gender implications of a crew that includes roles for actresses like Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, and Tuva Novotny; she’s just concerned with their professional bonafides. Garland’s film is rife with such intriguing twists that poke at...
So the whole history of furry, in comics, zines, and everything, is wrapped up in a whole bind of sexuality, especially moving out from the 90s and into the 00s, with a lot of furry webcomics in particularly delving into homosexuality and gender exploration. ...
When we talk about Rod Serling’s seminal series The Twilight Zone, we often talk about the show’s perfectly crafted twist endings: bent realities, nightmares come to life, and twists of fate that are as existentially harrowing as sci-fi has ever been. Across its 156 episodes, the show ...
. . . his tail when he trotted along curled over his back and made children laugh aloud; but when he was thinking about the chase it hung in a horizontal bow; when stealing away or in full cry it was held slightly lower and no longer bent, and it flowed finely into the curves of ...
* for women especially, the realization of broader options/ feeling free from constricting social and gender roles of past generations ( no longer being “required” or relegated to having mother/wife as your primary role in life ); * worries that the sacrifices required for parenthood don’t ...
Another great read (recommended to me by a librarian) was Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo. It’s the second book in the Ninth House series and set in New Haven, CT, my hometown. The book is based on the secret societies at Yale and is full of magic and ghosts. A wonderful read for a...