to-video animated movie produced by The Walt Disney Company. It is a film adaptation of the Disney Channel animated television series Disney's House of Mouse, starring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Daisy Duck and Disney Villains that have appeared in past Disney productions. ...
Two mustachioed Italian brothers, dressed in red and green clothing similar to that of Mario and Luigi, are recurring villains on the show. Additionally, they are named "the Mad Hammer Brothers", which might reference the enemies from Super Mario Bros. Being villains, they might be more modele...
In turn, novelist Robert Harris’ character of Hannibal Lector became one of film’s most recognisable villains under the assured - and deliciously camp - steer of Hopkins’ teeth-gnashing performance, and we were given one of our strongest and most compelling female leads with Foster’s Clarice...
However, while the first two acts are genuinely emotional and avoid clichés by leaving out forced villains or action scenes, the final act takes a more conventional turn, which is a bit disappointing. It seems to lose some of its original essence and the potential for a unique message, and...
In turn, novelist Robert Harris’ character of Hannibal Lector became one of film’s most recognisable villains under the assured - and deliciously camp - steer of Hopkins’ teeth-gnashing performance, and we were given one of our strongest and most compelling female leads with Foster’s Clarice...
Based on the 1959 Ian Fleming novel of the same name, Goldfinger also stars Honor Blackman as the wonderfully named Pussy Galore and Gert Frobe as the title character, one of Bond history’s most iconic villains. There’s a bunch more 007 just added to Prime, from Connery through Craig ...
Disney villains live on the bad side of town. Good guys go to a preppy school where they follow the rules and fear the villains. What happens when the villains go to good-guy school? Love and musical numbers! This is kind of a fever dream, but it edges out Zombies because Kristin ...
It’s the holiday season, and Natalie and Arnold chose to watch two foreign-language Xmas-themed horror movies with creepy Santa Claus villains; to be fair, however, Santa Claus is always creepy. First up, a resourceful boy must defend his home and family from an attack by a demented Kris...
Lake House Fever Curse of the Blood Moon Cornonation Here to Help Cleaved Theme Songs Opening Theme Ending Theme Shining Star Characters Main characters Star Butterfly Marco Diaz Villains Ludo Toffee Miss Heinous Monster Arm Ludo's army Mina Loveberry Earth inhabitants...
The comic villains had always been my favorite characters in all the films. She was funny, and long, and skinny, and angular, and you could do lots of physical humor with her. Michael Eisner wanted me to interview Barbara Streisand to play Yzma. I went and met with her in London. But...