This ensemble comedy is set at a house party on graduation night, following various high school cliques and their intersecting storylines. With a wide array of eccentric characters, unrequited love confessions, and drunken escapades, it's a hilarious and heartfelt examination of the emotiona...
A Walt Disney MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon. Mickey takes refuge one night in a spooky HAUNTED HOUSE and soon finds himself captured by the skeletons that live there. This little black & white film has some genuinely creepy moments, especially when Mickey first enters the house. The second half of the...
But even if you don’t care about sports, you should still watch “Ted Lasso” on Apple TV+. It’s a very funny show that’s also full of empathy and respect for its characters, which never goes for the cheap joke, and takes the tropes of every sports movie you’ve seen and uses...
With its sharp writing, engaging characters, and unique viewpoint, Fresh Off the Boat stands as a groundbreaking entry in ABC's comedy roster. Premiered: February 4, 2015 Also ranks #4 on Shows About Middle America To Watch Instead Of 'Roseanne' Also ranks #5 on The Best TV Shows with...
In both grand and subtle ways, the characters of "Castlevania" — including some of its more villainous cast members — end their journeys as better versions of themselves. Although this is a medieval hellscape where demons, monsters, vampires, and morally repugnant humans exist, there is still...
shades-of-gray characters populate the wastes with interesting moral decisions, making the conflict between the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, and the mysterious Mr. House feel like anything but a black-and-white choice between good and evil. The fact that we get to decide the outc...
She started sniffing and said out loud to herself, “Somebody did number two in here.” I yelled, “I’m number 2. I’m under the bed Ma!” She looked under the bed and yelled “You’re a piece of shit!” She went downstairs and came back up with spatula and scraped me up off...
When she entered my room it looked empty to her. She started sniffing and said out loud to herself, “Somebody did number two in here.” I yelled, “I’m number 2. I’m under the bed Ma!” She looked under the bed and yelled “You’re a piece of shit!” She went downstairs an...
Its broad Wild West opera builds out a world of characters in a changing time and take you on a journey with them as they face the new world taking over while fighting the old one still chasing them down. Arthur Morgan is a gruff, hero full of depth, capable of growing a mean beard...
It wasn't drenched in fantasy tropes and pathos, but rather brimming with color, humor, and some of the weirdest characters and events I'd ever seen in a game. Simultaneously, it knows how to pack an emotional punch. So yeah, I rented it. Obviously, it didn't come with the pack-in...