We review the show’s just-completed third season, which brought us the emotional and nostalgic moments we craved, introduced an assortment of new characters we liked (or didn’t), and introduced some plot elements that we puzzled over.
Colin was also up for a sore arse, leaving his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor, general slovenliness around the house and failing to get home before curfew which was ten-thirty on weekdays. Roger was a stickler for the rules, and both lads knew they would be getting a whacking. Jack...
During gym class, he also uses a cheat which gives him a rainbow appearance and speeds him up, similar to Invincible Mario, as he knocks over various other characters. The premise of the later episode "The Uncle" is that Ocho has an uncle called Mario who has a go-kart, is scared ...
All the characters are aged 21 or over. Warning: strictly for adults only! Not The Man He Thought He Was by Rod Cayenne “He’s got nowhere else to go, and rooms to rent are difficult to find locally. I do have some sympathy. And he is our only son,” she sighed. “I’m well...
There were so many new characters (and old) that were just picked up, thrown in for a second of spice and then tossed aside, so I lost all sense of flavour. I also felt like the main character simply hasn’t had enough growth- she was the PERFECT ruler in a way that grated on ...
He has a huge adventure yet before him; he will be navigating through a country where all signs are in Chinese characters – no Roman letters to assist. There will be no safety net. And he’s a person of low vision, so that factors in, too. But I don’t worry. In fact, I’m ...
Of all the characters in Warcraft lore, Arthas Menthil is the most tragic. The heir to the throne of Lordaeron, Arthas set out to save his father's kingdom from The Scourge of undead, only to be tricked into joining their ranks by taking up the cursed sword Frostmourne and ultimately be...
This thread is the place for you to post information regarding your character. Please separate your post into: Put your description here. If you have already done this for the book thread, I think it is reasonable to put a link. To keep from bulki
David trudged back to the house. He could smell collard greens frying in bacon grease, the pork and beans simmering in the Dutch oven, and cornbread browning in the skillet. It wasn’t a fancy supper-spread, but all ten of them got enough to eat, thanks to Daddy’s hard work and the...
Serengeti: Palookaville (2024, CC King): Underground rapper from Chicago, dropped this late December, dispenses with his usual characters, who I never cared that much about anyway, for a deeper focus on vibe and nuance, which is where he's always shined. A- [sp] Brittney Spencer: My St...