Both of these movies have sacrifice and tradition, on the other hand they have two extremely different protagonists known as Katniss and Tessie; which make their stories more on a distinctive perspective. “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games are similar in regards to sacrificing and traditional ...
外文名称:The Lottery and Other Stories 开本:32开 出版时间:2013-01-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:280 字数:214000 正文语种:中文 短经典:摸彩 [The Lottery and Other Stories] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025 相关图书 短经典:摸彩 [The Lottery and Other Stories] epub 下载 mobi 下载 ...
The Lottery关键词:美国乡村、迷信、群体暴力小说写的是发生在美国乡村的迷信事件,一开始塑造了宁静祥和的氛围,仿佛是村民们要刮彩票,不料结尾反转,“中奖”的人竟会被石头砸死,为的是五谷丰登(lottery in June, corn be heavy soon),有点祭天的意味。其实在不少文化背景下都有类似陋习。Regardless of which inte...
lottery which in the local tradition has been practiced to ensure a good harvest. However, the lottery is actually a ritual sacrifice. Shirley Jackson uses symbolism in the process of the lottery to represents individuals and societies have duality of nature. Meanwhile, the author utilizes the ...
文章来源:《50 GREAT SHORT STORIES》 P159 the fresh warmth of a full-summer day 盛夏的清新温暖 profusely 大量地,丰富地 richly green 浓绿 be through 完成,结束 → be through in time 及时完成 School was recently over for summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them.学校...
Jackson hints at a similar situation in her story when the townspeople are unable to fully question or prevent the brutal lottery practice, and in fact, participate in it. Biblical Allusion • “The Lottery” alludes to the Biblical story in ...
Regardless of why you’re attracted to the lottery, you’ll also enjoy reading our selection of lottery-themed articles. You’ll find guides, tips, and anecdotal fun stories about playing the lottery. Be inspired by these guides and the stories of big lottery winners. Maybe one day soon ...
Open Document The first similarity I am going over is the theme fear. The people if both stories feared being picked to either win the lottery, or be placed in the games. The people in The Lottery knew that if they were drawn that they would be stoned to death. The people in The Hun...
A year after taking over the Corner Store, Jerry thought to install a lottery machine, a maroon box the size of a cash register that printed tickets for Michigan’s state lottery. The machine was the only one in Evart and one of the few in the county. Word got around fast. “All of...