The short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson takes place a few hundred years ago on June 27 in a small town. The townspeople start the day as they normally would, but then at 10:00 all the residents had to report to the town square. Mr. Summers led the process. He brought with...
“The Lottery” is a short story by Shirley Jackson that depicts a small town’s annual lottery.A black box full of paper slips is brought to the town square. The town’s residents gather in the town square, and each draws a piece of paper. Bill Hutchison, the head of his household,...
Even the title of the short story is a classic example of irony. Modern readers in particular would ordinarily associate a lottery with a winner who gains a positive experience or a reward. In this case, however, Jackson's lottery results not in a winner but in a definite loser who is s...
《The Lottery》是Larry Yust导演的一部剧情电影。这是篇隐喻故事。故事设定在一个架空的,保留着古老传统的村庄。每年,族长都会从黑箱子里选出一个人来献祭。献祭的方式即是被所有其他村人活活砸死。为什么大家要用石头砸中奖的人呢?为了祭祀。但是祭祀本身就是一个相当古老的,已经过时了的传统。村...
"The Lottery"Summary 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson is a short story with a shocking twist. The villagers gather in the town square for the annual lottery. While waiting for it to start, the children collect and play with stones while the adults chat. As the lottery ends,Tessie Hutchinso...
Shirley Jackson's chilling short story, "The Lottery," first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948, caused widespread controversy and debate in the literary world. Despite initial backlash, the story gained critical acclaim, and became a staple of American literature, winning the O. Hen...
Read about The Lottery short story. View The Lottery summary, learn The Lottery by Shirley Jackson themes, and see The Lottery by Shirley Jackson...
The Lottery The short story of the lottery written by the Author Shirley Jackson was written in 1948 and is a very interesting piece of literature. As of all Jackson's other stories this one is also unusual and mind boggling. Jackson as a novelist often wrote many unusual, unreal or even...
康百万沿着街边的店铺行走,我们通过他的视线可以看出他的目的地是前面不远处的的彩票店。 当康百万路过一家面包店时,他的肚子咕噜叫了一声,停住了脚步。 康百万看着橱柜里的面包,抬头看了看店员,用手指了指其中的一块。 店员向他伸出了手,比了个两块钱的手势。
STORY STRUCTURE OF “THE LOTTERY” “All right, folks.” Mr. Summers said. “Let’s finish quickly.” “Get in, get out.” This is common advice to short story writers. But this is a story in which the abrupt ending can only be shocking after quite a bit of mundane detail. Anyone...