Stage_struck_(1925) lihuanhuan_hv 79 播放 · 0 弹幕 英国无声短片。The_Tempest_(1908) lihuanhuan_hv 16 播放 · 0 弹幕 The Pride of Strathmoor esCUBE 36 播放 · 0 弹幕 《天气之子》+《The lost world》 Sun苹果 90 播放 · 1 弹幕 Enchantment_(1921) lihuanhuan...
480P 设置 加载中... 下载 视频 讨论 迷失世界 75美国·1925·恐怖 简介 会员尊享更多权益 热剧抢先看 帧享影音 院线新片 首季仅28元,立即抢购 为你推荐 1 / 2 8.4 狼蛛 8.8 禁忌 痴情恋人为爱私奔 8.5 古堡藏龙 冒牌国王深陷权斗 8.3 人猿星球4 ...
The Lost World: Directed by Harry O. Hoyt. With Bessie Love, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery, Lloyd Hughes. The first film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic novel about a land where prehistoric creatures still roam.
本片根据阿瑟·柯南·道尔的同名小说《失落的世界》(1912)改编,上映于1925年故事讲述了科学家在一个荒岛上发现了活着的恐龙的故事这部影片在影史上影响深远,是第一部怪兽科幻片,也是第一部带有定格动画的电影长片, 视频播放量 174、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 1、
上映时间1925年02月02日(美国) 导演Harry O. H... 又 名迷失世界 The Lost World 编 剧阿瑟·柯南·道尔Marion Fai... 主 演贝西·洛夫刘易斯·斯通华莱士·比里Lloyd HughesAlma Bennett 剧情 数年前约翰.哈蒙德召集了一群科学家,企图从古代蚊子化石中所残存的恐龙血,藉着重组DNA培育早已绝迹的生物——恐龙...
480P 设置 加载中... 下载 视频 讨论 迷失世界 61美国·1925·恐怖 简介 会员尊享更多权益 热剧抢先看 帧享影音 院线新片 首季仅28元,立即抢购 为你推荐 1 / 2 VIP8.2 侏罗纪世界2 星爵VS2.0版暴龙 8.5 白鲸记 偏执船长怒斩白鲸 高清经典9.1 人猿星球 ...
1.Film (1925). First National. Directed by Harry O Hoyt. Script by Marion Fairfax, based onThe Lost World(1912) by Arthur ConanDoyle. Cast includes Wallace Beery, Lloyd Hughes, Bessie Love and Lewis Stone. 9700ft (approx 105 minutes, cut to 60 minutes). Black and white, with some ti...
The Lost World: Regia di Timothy Bond. Con John Rhys-Davies, David Warner, Eric McCormack, Nathania Stanford. Two rivaling professors - a journalist, a young wealthy woman and a teenage boy - travel through Africa in search of "The Lost World", a place w
(2013), Joshi did note that in his diary Lovecraft mentioned that on 6 October 1925 he went to see the filmThe Lost World, which is based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel of the same name. The film features some stunning stop motion special effects that were amazing for its time and ...
The Lost World: Timothy Bond द्वारा निर्देशित. John Rhys-Davies, David Warner, Eric McCormack, Nathania Stanford के साथ. Two rivaling professors - a journalist, a young wealthy woman and a teena