耶稣就用比喻说: “你们中间谁有一百只羊失去一只,不把这九十九只撇在旷野,去找那失去的羊,直到找着呢?找着了,就欢欢喜喜地扛在肩上,回到家里,就请朋友邻舍来,对他们说:‘我失去的羊已经找着了,你们和我一同欢喜吧。’我告诉你们:一个罪人悔改,在天上也要这样为他欢喜,较比为九十九个不用悔改的义人欢喜...
“你們中間誰有一百只羊失去一只,不把這九十九只撇在曠野,去找那失去的羊,直到找著呢?找著了,就歡歡喜喜地扛在肩上,回到家裏,就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們說:‘我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜吧。’我告訴你們:一個罪人悔改,在天上也要這樣為他歡喜,較比為九十九個不用悔改的義人歡喜更大。” 問題討論...
A beautiful, 3rd-person exploration game centered around two parallel stories: a lost sheep trying to find the way home, and a man restoring his life from his dark mistakes. Uncover artifacts from the man's life as he becomes intertwined in The Lost Shee
The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the
Whitney at the Secret Sauce of Storycraft YouTube channel recently reviewed several science fiction books she called Just D@mn Good Vintage Science Fiction Reads. She intentionally avoided books considered classic science fiction and defined the kind of books she was looking for in used bookstores ...
The Lost Sheep The Lost Sheep(2011) 导演:Jens Jacob 编剧:Sutton McKee 主演:Yash Dhillon/Karl Lamb Jr./Desmond Lawrence/Bart Voitila/尼克·胡哲/更多... 类型:剧情/短片 制片国家/地区:美国 语言:英语 上映日期:2011-10-05(美国) 片长:5分钟...
设置 自动播放下一个 (Bilingual/Bilingue) 脚本离开 快捷方式 自动恢复 总是问 始终恢复 总是重新开始 Bilingual - The Parable of the Lost Sheep 系列 Bilingual/Bilingue 书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 Dr. Ismael Miranda 跟随 广播员 God's Grace Reformed Church 跟随 讲道活动 102 ( 42 | 60 ) ...
"What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his ...
Cameron Brown、Gerald Cleaver、Russ Lossing、Kazuki Yamanaka - The Lost Sheep 专辑: Dancer in Nirvana 歌手:Cameron BrownGerald CleaverRuss LossingKazuki Yamanaka还没有歌词哦Cameron Brown、Gerald Cleaver、Russ Lossing、Kazuki Yamanaka - The Lost Sheep / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 The Lost...
Mario and Donkey Kong work together to put the body in a barrel, roll it down a hill, and create a cover story. Mario later asks if DK is related to King Kong, and he replies that he is not, as "Kong" is a common name in the woman-grabbing ape world. All the dialogue is ...