The Legacy is an aptly-named continuation for the Grim Tales series. It offers a whole new horrific story to tell, a creepy setting to immerse yourself in, challenging puzzles and HOGs to solve, and a whole lot more. It keeps what made the original game good and improves upon it in all...
Play Genshin Impact on Epic Games Download Genshin Impact on 12. Halo Infinite (Image credit: Xbox Game Studios) Developer: 343 Industries Halo's premium Xbox heritage might once have made Halo a strange choice for a free PC game, but with the release of Infinite, the game...
UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy In order to recover an ancient artefact and keep it out of the hands of a ruthless warmonger, Chloe Frazer must enlist the aid of renowned mercenary Nadine Ross and venture to India’s Western Ghats to locate the Golden Tusk of Ganesh. ...
These games stopped being sold in 2002, ZUN has confirmed on multiple occasions to have lost all the data of the "earlier games"[citation needed], and PC-98 hardware is long obsolete. In short, these games are as abandoned as they can possibly be, and are unlikely to ever turn a profi...
in particular the big sieges that the story builds up to, but Lost Ark also has everything else you'd expect from a modern MMO, including a story-driven campaign, a huge pile of quests, loads of exploration—especially once you're given your ship—and a promising endgame that players ar...
• 9 games from the PC Gamer Top 100 given eternal life thanks to modders Once the Top 100 Score for all games has been calculated, we order the list from highest to lowest. Then we go about tweaking it. In the interest of variety, we'll usually only allow one game per series—we...
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As for losing the war, that award generally goes to the group that loses their space and has to move elsewhere. That makes Legacy Coalition, the main instigators of the war under Vily, the losers. TEST, the leading alliance in Legacy, lost their old space, couldn’t hold their new space...