失落之城 The Lost City豆瓣评分:8.7 简介:失落之城[1]这款解密益智类游戏来自火枫游戏公司,大伙一定不会对这家公司的作品感到陌生,这款游戏是安卓市场上的解密游戏大作《恐怖庄园的秘密》的姊妹版,游戏的故事背景是讲述曾经当过探险家的奶奶,从小给别人
失落之城(The Lost City),是一款经典的解谜冒险手机游戏,玩家将跟随剧情慢慢靠近失落之城,到森林深处探索一股神秘的力量,完整游戏中提供的任务,将各式各样的线索串联在一起,找到内在的关联,找出那个隐藏游戏中的最终答案! 失落之城游戏亮点 • 创新自经典的解迷冒险类游戏! • 美轮美奂的画面将你带进精彩纷呈...
The Lost City (LC1): The Lost City was the first fully developed campaign adventure and location sourcebook for the post-apocalyptic role-playing game, Darwin's World
The Lost City 失落之城评分及评论 4.7(满分 5 分) 197 个评分 mariecandy55454,2019/05/07 Love it I need help please. I cannot find the floating box as the hint says for'scene 22. I can't go further in the game until I find this. please anybody. The clue says to use the rusty ...
The Lost City 4+ Fire Maple Games 專為iPad 設計 #77(解謎) 4.8 • 5 個評分 HK$ 18.00 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 *** The Lost City achieved the #1 paid app position in the UK, Japan, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and Denmark! And the #1 paid game in over 30...
The Lost City of Malathedra is a graphic adventure game heavily inspired by classics such as The Fate Of Atlantis, The Dig, and the Kings Quest series. It is built on EDI's in house engine specifically designed to create games that take advantage of the latest 3D hardware capabilities while...
*** The Lost City achieved the #1 paid app position in the UK, Japan, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and Denmark! And the #1 paid game in over…
“一个勇敢的女孩发现自己处于一个幻想世界的激动人心的冒险。她必须找到一种方法来阻止被诅咒的野兽在睡眠一千年后被唤醒并因未知原因而复活。 尝试免费试用版,然后在游戏中解锁完整的冒险! 失落的土地:金色诅咒是一个冒险的隐藏物体游戏任务,谜题和迷你游戏分散
十几年过去了我已经进入大学并且学习游戏专业,总是不知不觉想到这款游戏,就像回到了过去的某个下午,捧着妈妈的古早安卓智能手机一遍又一遍探索解密、查找攻略,点开游戏里的日志串联线索的时候、、游戏的氛围营造真的很好,在我的记忆里永远带着一层神秘色彩和很迷离的光影,怀念你我的The Lost City,怀念你我一去不...