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The Lost City 考古 Question 1 正确答案:IV 解析: 原文A段主旨:A段第4行:His goal was to locate the remains of a city called Vitcos…(他的目标是找到维特科斯的遗址…),此句表明了他征途的目的。 解析:锁定答案为iv,iv选项关键词有:aim(目的),意为征途的目的,与A段主旨信息相符,所以选择iv项。
雅思9分达人 · 97篇 THE LOST CITY Thanks to modern remote-sensing techniques, a ruined city in Turkey is slowly revealing itself as one of the greatest and most mysterious cities of the ancient world. Sally Palmer uncovers more. AThe low granite mountain, known as Kerkenes Dag, juts from ...
雅思阅读 the lost city LostCity,anarchaeologicalsitetuckedawaydeepinthejunglesofColombia,wasrediscoveredin2016byagroupofadventurers.Thegrouphadbeenlookingforahiddencitysincetheiroriginalplanfailed,andtheywereecstatictofindthemysteriousanduntouchedsite. LostCityisbelievedtobebuiltbytheextinctTayronaculture,who...
剑桥雅思12Test6Passage2阅读答案解析 The Lost City 失落的城市 剑桥雅思12阅读第6套题目第2篇文章的13道题目由7道段落标题匹配,4道TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN判断,以及2道完成句子填空组成。虽然题型看起来比较麻烦,但因为文章结构清晰,叙述逻辑明确,做起来也不算是很难。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
剑桥雅思12Test6Passage2阅读答案解析 The Lost City 失落的城市 剑桥雅思12 Test6 Passage2阅读原文翻译 段落A When the US explorer and academic Hiram Bingham arrived in South America in 1911, he was ready for what was to be the greatest achievement of his life: the exploration of the remotehinte...
Exploring the Ancient City of Pteria The relevant work was done ten year ago. To begin with, experts took photos of the site from the ground and then from a distance in a 18___. To find out what lay below the surface, they used two leading techniques. One was magnetome...
The Lost City An explorer's encounter with the ruined city of Machu Picchu, the most famous icon of the Inca civilisation A When the US explorer and academic Hiram Bingham arrived in South America in 1911, he was ready for what was to be the greatest achievement of his life: the ...
如果你的剑桥雅思阅读已是烂熟于心,那么这一系列的雅思阅读机经真题真的很适合你,搭配上绝对原创的讲解,还有全文的中文翻译,这等阅读大餐,还等什么! Thanks to modern remote-sensing techniques, a ruined city in Turkey is slowly revealing itself as one of the greatest and most mysterious cities of the ...