Lords of the Fallenは、原作の5倍の大きさを誇る繋がりあった世界で繰り広げられる、壮大な新作RPGアドベンチャーだ。非情なる独裁を経て、悪魔の神アディールがついに打ち倒された。しかし…神々は永遠に滅んではいなかった。永劫なる時が過ぎた今、アディールの復活が近づいている。壮絶な...
《Lords of the Fallen》是一款全新的史詩角色扮演遊戲,各地相連的廣闊世界比起初代遊戲大上五倍之多。歷經長期的殘虐暴政,邪神阿迪爾終於落敗。但所謂的神祇……就算殞落也只是一時。千秋萬代過去,如今阿迪爾的復活近在眼前。化身為傳奇黑暗十字軍的一員,踏上穿越生死國度的冒險。這款包山包海的角色扮演遊戲體驗中...
Lords of the Fallen (2014) R349,00R69,80+ -80% Demonic Weapons Pack R25,60 The Lionheart Pack R25,60 Ancient Labyrinth R85,80 Description Long ago, the human realm was ruled by Adyr, a terrible and malevolent god, who enslaved mankind. But over time, rebellion grew in the hearts of...
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Confront the Lords of the Rhogar Army While every Rhogar is guaranteed to test your mettle, by far the greatest threat amongst Adyr’s army is posed by his mighty generals, the towering Lords of the Fallen. These calamitous boss battles will test even the most skillful of warriors – ...
Lords of the Fallenintroduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruellest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever. Now, aeons later, Adyr’s...
Lords of the Fallen, which was released in October 2023,will come to Xbox Game Pass in 2024, according to an agreement struck between developer and publisher CI Games and Microsoft that was published byBankier, a Polish finance site.
《堕落之王(Lords of the Fallen)》执行制作人Tomasz Gop日前表示Deck 13的这款动作RPG在任何主机平台上都不会低于30FPS,但同时他也承认在Xbox One上达到1080p画面比PS4上要略微困难一些。在同IGN交流
《Lords of the Fallen》是一款由法国游戏公司 Deck13 Interactive 开发的动作角色扮演游戏。游戏最初于2014年在PlayStation 4和Xbox One平台上发行,后于2015年在PC平台上发行。游戏的故事背景设定在一个名为“艾尔德”的虚构世界,玩家扮演一名名为“主人公”的角色,他被派往艾尔德来对抗一位邪恶的神灵,并拯救人类...
Xbox 控制器 PlayStation 控制器 需要同意一份来自第三方的最终用户许可协议 Lords of the Fallen EULA 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文✔✔ 英语✔✔✔ 法语✔✔ 意大利语✔✔ 德语✔✔ 查看所有 12 种已支持语言 Language 年龄分级机构:泛欧洲游戏信息组织(PEGI) ...